@dab, Fuck wk, tht bitch has STOLE some of my lineup pics nd shit and then goes on to spam me on the old boards & fb.
@kill_monicaa, nope the label page is not mine my bands r just signed to edr. prety sure theyve posted in the last year also. the venue is called Hell On Earth and is actually owned by some guy the owner of Blackness records is friends with, never been to th place but its warehouse-looking.
**ALSO, as far as that pic of the old fb post, i remember tht cause i was involved in that business project, read the next few posts it was NOT even to do with the record label, it was a local business thing thats now defunct. i was involved with it too. & johnny lars was one of our buddies not a random person. whatd i already fuckin say abt shit u dno shit abt?
And that yahoo answers question was PR stunt a few bands asked a label intern Thraz Hurley to psot to see the web's reactions - as u can see yahoo answers doesnt know shit abt anything.
@kill_monicaa, how the fuck am i supposed to know what pops up or doesnt abt it? I dont fucking own it or manage it u retard. I havent got fb or reverbnation notification for the official event page yet, not sure if there is one yet or not but there should be cause the show is on 6/14. if u want fucking info then contact the fucking promtters or venue not the bands who r playing
@GregTheShowerDemon Dude just give it up already. You made all of this shit up. Your band page has 20 likes and absolutely no music posted on the internet, the record label has 20 likes and has posted on facebook one time in the past 8 months, none of the bands "signed" to the label have any music on facebook, and the venue your band is supposedly playing doesnt exist.
@GregTheShowerDemon give me some proof then. Show me a song from one of your bands. Or give me a link to the record label's official website. Or pictures or youtube videos of your band performing live.
@kill_monicaa, ok douchebag if u want to hear th music tht bad ill re-upload a rough demo of underground security song to soundcloud tomorrow, its on a multitrack in my car, dont feel liek doing it now i gotta work tomorrow. label's site is still being built. & nope cant post pics/vids online yet, the label doesnt want any of the bands pics/vids or even music online yet cause they wanna get enough bands' shit out at once to make it look like a "british invasion" type situation where many bands' come out at once - its planned for late summer/early fall. only bands from label with music online are REKKR & Wrath. i got a rough demo so they probly wont care. as i said, offer still stands if u wanna get ur sorry ass kicked after the show 6/14.
@kill_monicaa, i dont kno the fucking address yet, nd im sure as hell not gonna be the designated driver that night. And ill post the rough demo to soundcloud tomorrow.
@dab, Fuck wk, tht bitch has STOLE some of my lineup pics nd shit and then goes on to spam me on the old boards & fb.
@kill_monicaa, nope the label page is not mine my bands r just signed to edr. prety sure theyve posted in the last year also. the venue is called Hell On Earth and is actually owned by some guy the owner of Blackness records is friends with, never been to th place but its warehouse-looking.
**ALSO, as far as that pic of the old fb post, i remember tht cause i was involved in that business project, read the next few posts it was NOT even to do with the record label, it was a local business thing thats now defunct. i was involved with it too. & johnny lars was one of our buddies not a random person. whatd i already fuckin say abt shit u dno shit abt?
And that yahoo answers question was PR stunt a few bands asked a label intern Thraz Hurley to psot to see the web's reactions - as u can see yahoo answers doesnt know shit abt anything.
fuck U all
@GregTheShowerDemon whats the name of the venue your band is playing on saturday? I want to look up information on the show.
read the post bitch its in there
@GregTheShowerDemon then how come when i try and look up information about the place nothing pops up?
Because it doesnt exist you schizophrenic paint huffing nigger.
And the record label supposedly has interns, but only 21 likes on facebook? Kill yourself.
@kill_monicaa, how the fuck am i supposed to know what pops up or doesnt abt it? I dont fucking own it or manage it u retard. I havent got fb or reverbnation notification for the official event page yet, not sure if there is one yet or not but there should be cause the show is on 6/14. if u want fucking info then contact the fucking promtters or venue not the bands who r playing
Fuck I wonder if Greg is a mallgoth
@GregTheShowerDemon Dude just give it up already. You made all of this shit up. Your band page has 20 likes and absolutely no music posted on the internet, the record label has 20 likes and has posted on facebook one time in the past 8 months, none of the bands "signed" to the label have any music on facebook, and the venue your band is supposedly playing doesnt exist.
@kill_monicaa, i guess u would kno better than i would then u delusional fuck
@GregTheShowerDemon give me some proof then. Show me a song from one of your bands. Or give me a link to the record label's official website. Or pictures or youtube videos of your band performing live.
@kill_monicaa, ok douchebag if u want to hear th music tht bad ill re-upload a rough demo of underground security song to soundcloud tomorrow, its on a multitrack in my car, dont feel liek doing it now i gotta work tomorrow. label's site is still being built. & nope cant post pics/vids online yet, the label doesnt want any of the bands pics/vids or even music online yet cause they wanna get enough bands' shit out at once to make it look like a "british invasion" type situation where many bands' come out at once - its planned for late summer/early fall. only bands from label with music online are REKKR & Wrath. i got a rough demo so they probly wont care. as i said, offer still stands if u wanna get ur sorry ass kicked after the show 6/14.
They have to be a joke.
@MC, so just cause ur not a fan yet means they r a joke?
@GregTheShowerDemon how are we supposed to fight if you dont even know the address of the venue you fucking faggot?
And post the demo then faggot.
@kill_monicaa, i dont kno the fucking address yet, nd im sure as hell not gonna be the designated driver that night. And ill post the rough demo to soundcloud tomorrow.
Yea. Not a joke.
How are you going to play there if you don't know that address :-?
well post the address of the venue in this thread once you find out. I mean, it should be in the next few days if the show is on saturday