static x has two solid albums 0 if people can't handle it .. Like a lot of bands tho Wayne is to busy trying to be trendy like Flynn so they get a bad rap to real metal heads .. Wdt and destroyer are solid releases that were pretty original
I don't think destroyer sounds much like ministry but wdt you can here similarities .. Not saying there 100 percent original but when they come on I instantly know it's them if I don't know the song.. That means they have a specific sound.. Many many other death metal acts I couldn't do the same thing
Like he was getting booed so bad he walked off stage and someone made him come back out and try and finish his set and people just started chucking shit at the stage )
I only heard WDT and it sucked and I moved on. Every person that ever said anything about them being good was a juggalo, so I never bothered going back to that well. I always pinned dude as one of those guys that was more famous for his hair than anything to do with his music. Feel free to post a song that will change my mind
The Manlet is so disappointed right now
static x has two solid albums 0 if people can't handle it .. Like a lot of bands tho Wayne is to busy trying to be trendy like Flynn so they get a bad rap to real metal heads .. Wdt and destroyer are solid releases that were pretty original
dead @ "original"
dead @ thinkin 90 percent of metal bands are any more original
With satan you gotta Fukkin invent a genre to be original
These are big words coming from you.
Although I 100% agree, dude is petty as it fucking gets.
Satan just hates anything remotely trendy so he's gonna down play it while anything remotely underground would be looked at with a much more open mind
They sound like Ministry, except a little dumber and more repetitive. What's so original about that?
Say they write good songs or that they're catchy or just say "I like them so 0". Saying they're original is kinda silly
lol static X sucks ass...dude got straight booed of stage here a few years back
I don't think destroyer sounds much like ministry but wdt you can here similarities .. Not saying there 100 percent original but when they come on I instantly know it's them if I don't know the song.. That means they have a specific sound.. Many many other death metal acts I couldn't do the same thing
Like he was getting booed so bad he walked off stage and someone made him come back out and try and finish his set and people just started chucking shit at the stage
I only heard WDT and it sucked and I moved on. Every person that ever said anything about them being good was a juggalo, so I never bothered going back to that well. I always pinned dude as one of those guys that was more famous for his hair than anything to do with his music. Feel free to post a song that will change my mind
love dump and cannibal are solid songs
I love that the only criticism I get here is that I don't waste my time on shitty, forgettable music
And ky flag
my only complaint about you is you focus wayyy to hard on a bands image
You say the hair is the only reason why people care but I bet it's the reason why you dismiss it
chemical logic > any ministry song