Was hanging out with this girl Allison a couple days ago, and at one point she was talking about someone that irritated her that did something stupid, and she ended the story with "why don't they just kill themselves", and I was like ........fuck..... lol
On a side note, has anyone seen the thing about Mogwai shit talking metallica? )
Yup. Bunch of Hipster pussies talking empty shit. Whatever Metallica is now, doesn't change the fact that their first 4 albums were amazing. These tards have 8 albums, barely anyone has ever heard of them, and I truly believe they're just talking shit to get attention. My favorite was when he said something along the lines of "I can't wait til it goes all quiet and everyone hears "Enter Sandman" and thinks maybe this would be better if it was 1989." More like they can't wait til it goes all quiet and they hear everyone cheering Metallica on LOL what retards.
Is she hot?
Lol what a fucking simp.
No, provide a link
I googled it. Lars does suck, but they seem like sour grapes for talking shit like that
Lmao wow this faggot seriously edited the post. You are literally the biggest pussy on this entire forum. Please commit suicide.
What did the original post say?
Was asked if the broad was hot.
This fairy ass nigga says "Well she's more beautiful than "hot" but yea. But she's just fun to just talk to."
Something about how she's more beautiful then she is hot and that's she's just really cool.
Yeah it's funny but let's not beat up on the kid. He clearly likes this chick a lot and just doesn't know how to express it cause feelings.
Get that pussy boi
I'm the only one that get the job done. I don't know a nigga that can cover for me.
Arianny twerkin