yeah and he's the singer in this band i've been jamming with. everybody is good people but i'm already nit picking shit about their personalities I don't like. whatever we'll see how long this lasts. I just want experience.
Here's a line for your paper :I suck the blood outta tampons, I'm nasty as the motherfuckin ground I stand on," then have some random dude stand up and shout "Only if you standin' in a pile of shit."
your phone just sucks...the only problem I have is the smilies and pictures..and I guess you could count not being able to see who agrees to your stuff....sorry you have poverty on poverty with your phone/mobil. Poverty just don't mix son
dude i know is mad M.I.A. is at his bullshit indie festival then creams his pants for Foster the People all like "yay real music". what a fuckboi
dude should khmfs
yeah and he's the singer in this band i've been jamming with. everybody is good people but i'm already nit picking shit about their personalities I don't like. whatever we'll see how long this lasts. I just want experience.
Here's a line for your paper :I suck the blood outta tampons, I'm nasty as the motherfuckin ground I stand on," then have some random dude stand up and shout "Only if you standin' in a pile of shit."
So we're just going to ignore this?
It does take you to newest post..,
says the guy that says mobile is fine for him. I bet you can see what happens when I open a thread. Go find something else to knit pick.
your phone just sucks...the only problem I have is the smilies and pictures..and I guess you could count not being able to see who agrees to your stuff....sorry you have poverty on poverty with your phone/mobil. Poverty just don't mix son
what a bunch of pussies
got dat Galaxy S5