thinking of asking my friend if she wants to start dating next time we're hangin out. I dunno if I should. Kind of struggling internally. But whatever.
Choking more than eating. I'll think it over the next few days until we're hangin out again. There is obvs more going into it than just my emotions and philosophies out of sync.
I guess. It's twice a week, 50 minutes each.
namsayn said:
very convincing argument :-?
not as much as pro anything else
My roommates listening to Hammerfall
Fucking faggot
You da real mvp
thinking of asking my friend if she wants to start dating next time we're hangin out. I dunno if I should. Kind of struggling internally. But whatever.
Just ask her if she wants to go to dinner
Power of the gush. \m/
MC start with a lil finger band and see where it goes from there
dude im seriously conflicted about it. I'd feel like a hypocrite, and at the same time feel like I should ask.
It's okay to eat your words every now and again. If you have feelings for her, just ask her to get some dinner.
Choking more than eating. I'll think it over the next few days until we're hangin out again. There is obvs more going into it than just my emotions and philosophies out of sync.
Dude you're way overthinking this