To be fair, I'm new to hip-hop so some new kid could completely be jocking someone else's swag and I wouldn't know. That said, fuck you, Chance is dope.
Man I fucked up back when I didn't fuck wit Chance.
Chance records at the same studio that I do, so one night while I was there, I was in the company of his camp, unbeknownst to me. So I somehow got on the subject of Chance wit MY guys, and I said something like "Dude can spit but I just can't fuck wit him, voice is annoying as shit.", and all his niggas just mean mugged the fuck out of me. Now I love his shit and would love to work wit him, but on the chance I ever run into him at the stu, his boys prolly gonna remember my face. :-<
flags and disagrees can ky
bootie brown did it better. fuck with me
Hip Hop elitists are dare I say worse than Metal elitists. Blow your head off.
do you even know who pharcyde are?
only reason you hate is cuz you can't keep up
clever retort
To be fair, I'm new to hip-hop so some new kid could completely be jocking someone else's swag and I wouldn't know. That said, fuck you, Chance is dope.
he has like 3 good songs...idk if that classifies dope
chance sucks
Fuck I was thinking about someone else...that nigga does suck
>rex having an opinion on music outside of Tool
Man I fucked up back when I didn't fuck wit Chance.
Chance records at the same studio that I do, so one night while I was there, I was in the company of his camp, unbeknownst to me. So I somehow got on the subject of Chance wit MY guys, and I said something like "Dude can spit but I just can't fuck wit him, voice is annoying as shit.", and all his niggas just mean mugged the fuck out of me. Now I love his shit and would love to work wit him, but on the chance I ever run into him at the stu, his boys prolly gonna remember my face. :-<
Yeah doubtful they remember your face at all
lol that sucks. I'm not even sure he records there any more. I think he bought a house in Los Angeles and has a studio in his crib.
if they remember him, it's prolly like "oh, you mean that gay kid with the gauges?"
Nothing special...dude who got knocked out was drunk as fuck