eh it's not really science...there isn't a good way to really measure someone's intelligence just have more people go to college and graduate. Not saying people in mass are dumb.. Just that it's almost impossible to accurately measure intelligence
Massachusetts recently named smartest state in the country
Suck my dick
It's science you lose
eh it's not really science...there isn't a good way to really measure someone's intelligence just have more people go to college and graduate. Not saying people in mass are dumb.. Just that it's almost impossible to accurately measure intelligence
we have the best test results in the country
Highest iq
Yeah that's another thing...IQ tests can be wildly inaccurate because nearly everyone is different
Well it helps when you have a prestigious school like MIT up there...
Jay mad his money couldn't get him into MIT :-?
Nah U of M was always my dream school. I thought about applying to MIT but never got around to it.
Gotta take Jay to a titty bar so he can make it rain like Floyd Mayweather.
He's going to get dropped like him too for telling some dude to control his bitch
Wait what ~:>
got a free mikes harder lemonade at the mart nearby. never had this before.
tastes like sour piss.
June 13th :!!