Fuck Off. When they win the Cup, you don't have to work long ass boring volunteer hours with no breaks and dealing with 50% loud ass douchebags who never shut the fuck up and 50% fucking posers who became Hawks fans the night they won. 4-1 Kings fuck yeah.
Every day is 10-14 hours for me. My shift is 7:30 pm to 6:00 am, but its really 7:30 pm to whenever I'm told to go home am. Hour drive to/from too. At least its only four days a week. Seven days sucks dick.
I did get out early yesterday though, but that was because it was memorial day, and everyone else in the company besides warehouse people had off, so there weren't a lot of sales yesterday.
Getting paid under the table is the best. All I gotta do is keep track of my hours and my boss writes me a check at the end of the week. The Government's not getting this hard-earned (soon-to-be) drug money.
done worked too hard for my shit to have it ran
My first love was Mary Jane
Friday cant come fast enough.
@namsayn Flagstaff fucking sucks balls
Ky disagree
the fuck are you talking about bitch
I'm in Flagstaff for a few days visiting some friends.
ah. wildfire got you down?
try beaver street brewery if you guys are looking for something to do. great beer and pizza.
Drunk \m/
Fuck Off. When they win the Cup, you don't have to work long ass boring volunteer hours with no breaks and dealing with 50% loud ass douchebags who never shut the fuck up and 50% fucking posers who became Hawks fans the night they won. 4-1 Kings fuck yeah.
i work for the company that owns them
Yeah. We were planning beforehand to go hiking and shit in Sedona.
Hit up a couple breweries today but not that one :-? I'll check it out
Fuck yeah 5-2 Kings Take it for a 3-1 game lead \m/
I'm with ed on this
better get high :-?
Every day is 10-14 hours for me. My shift is 7:30 pm to 6:00 am, but its really 7:30 pm to whenever I'm told to go home am. Hour drive to/from too. At least its only four days a week. Seven days sucks dick.
I did get out early yesterday though, but that was because it was memorial day, and everyone else in the company besides warehouse people had off, so there weren't a lot of sales yesterday.
That paycheck though.