Man iv lost my share of friends and loved ones over the years...but losing someone you were really close to and lived with for many years is a bitch to get used to...I haven't been able to keep straight what day it is...and iv been misplacing everything around the house...every time I want to use something I have to spend 10 minutes looking for it lol
"Andre Johnson was found on the sidewalk outside an apartment building in West Hollywood at 1:00 am on Wednesday morning and taken to Cedars-Sinai hospital in critical condition."
Figured it out... He's gay. Why else would he be in West Hollywood?
it would be fucked up if he found out the dude he fucked had aids...and because he watched walking dead he thought cutting his dick off might save him )
Schedule I Drug: A category of drugs not considered legitimate for medical use. Among the substances so classified by the Drug Enforcement Agency are mescaline, lysergic acid diethylamide, heroin, and marijuana. Special licensing procedures must be followed to use these or other Schedule I substances.
) ) )
Caught some feelings for a chick, she feels the same way, but we decided not to go anywhere with it because she's graduating next month and trying to get her life in order and the age difference makes it fucking awkward. We decided this over a month ago. Now she's talking to me asking whether she should take a federal forensics job because it would be constant travel, and how "if she had somebody to keep her grounded" then she wouldn't take it.
I can make a broke bitch rich, but I don't fuck with broke bitches.
Broke bitches ain't gonna fuck with someone who won't pay child support
Man iv lost my share of friends and loved ones over the years...but losing someone you were really close to and lived with for many years is a bitch to get used to...I haven't been able to keep straight what day it is...and iv been misplacing everything around the house...every time I want to use something I have to spend 10 minutes looking for it lol
I know that feeling bro. Time helps.
yeah for sure...I'm doing alright...still am getting a ton of anxiety out in public though
he cut his dick off in an attempted suicide
it would be fucked up if he found out the dude he fucked had aids...and because he watched walking dead he thought cutting his dick off might save him
it is a schedule one narcotic
heroin license :-?
Fucking shrooms and peyote to kyfs schedule ones
Yeah shrooms are excellent for your brain.... I'm convinced that if the government knows it's good for you the FDA makes it illegal
A pigeon laid an egg in my friend's room
Caught some feelings for a chick, she feels the same way, but we decided not to go anywhere with it because she's graduating next month and trying to get her life in order and the age difference makes it fucking awkward. We decided this over a month ago. Now she's talking to me asking whether she should take a federal forensics job because it would be constant travel, and how "if she had somebody to keep her grounded" then she wouldn't take it.