Most places here in IL around where I live don't give a fuck if you're 21 or not. As long as you go in and don't act like a jag off they'll sell. Having a decent beard helps too. I've never heard of places not selling you alcohol util 24 hours after you're 21. Whoever you went to screwed you over.
that's what set it off...but the one friend gad a lot of shot building up to it
See, that same shit actually happened tonight when I was hangin out with a few friends. Sometimes, even if they're your friends, they gotta learn a lesson for acting like retards. One of my buddies who's a fuckin lightweight had 8 shots of Jack. There was a few people hanging out we didn't know too well along with me and my buddies. One of the dudes said something and my friend thought he was talking shit about his mom. Motherfucker picked up a brick and smashed it through the dudes window. We let the other dude get a good swing on him before we stopped it. 2013 Mustang. Lol it was all pretty hilarious. Kid wasn't even talking about his mom.
South Korean Ferry Captain Wee Sin King, has given a tv interview, he said "We were sailing along as normal and then we struck a huge airliner that some idiot had dumped in the sea!"
yeah I tackled one of the dudes who through a punch and broke it it...I wasn't gonna let anyone fight...but I really only tackled him cause like an hour before that he was talking about how he was a good wrestler and that no one could take him down )
>Calls record store >gets answering machine >asks if they have an ATG/Decapitated split in stock >5 hours later.. >gets a call from the store >Sorry to inform you we just sold both copies only 15 minutes ago
lol ky FaceFuck I didn't say I needed it to have fun....and I wasn't even talking about booze fgt
Yeah it's stupid, but oh well.
I don't see how that's legal I would break shit
and there isn't a bar in the world that's turning down someone who's 21 and not completely wasted already
Its also not real.
money talks...all those places would sell to people under 21 if it was legal...shit most party stores around here do it anyways ^:)^
i'm so over friends fighting each other fucking idiots
that's what set it off...but the one friend had a lot of shit building up to it
See, that same shit actually happened tonight when I was hangin out with a few friends. Sometimes, even if they're your friends, they gotta learn a lesson for acting like retards. One of my buddies who's a fuckin lightweight had 8 shots of Jack. There was a few people hanging out we didn't know too well along with me and my buddies. One of the dudes said something and my friend thought he was talking shit about his mom. Motherfucker picked up a brick and smashed it through the dudes window. We let the other dude get a good swing on him before we stopped it. 2013 Mustang. Lol it was all pretty hilarious. Kid wasn't even talking about his mom.
South Korean Ferry Captain Wee Sin King, has given a tv interview, he said "We were sailing along as normal and then we struck a huge airliner that some idiot had dumped in the sea!"yeah I tackled one of the dudes who through a punch and broke it it...I wasn't gonna let anyone fight...but I really only tackled him cause like an hour before that he was talking about how he was a good wrestler and that no one could take him down
record store is bumpin today.
>gets answering machine
>asks if they have an ATG/Decapitated split in stock
>5 hours later..
>gets a call from the store
>Sorry to inform you we just sold both copies only 15 minutes ago
should have gone to see, pussy