So one of my best friends is an insanely talented guitarist, and he's going to college for music education. I've been trying to get him into metal for years with almost zero luck as he usually just makes fun of it. I got him into Crack the Skye for a few months in high school but that was the extent of it.
Well I got him hooked on Baroness through Yellow & Green, now he bought Red Album and Blue Record and is addicted. I feel like a proud parent.
A friend of one of the bands my band is playing with next month posted this. @Jag has mentioned numerous times to get out of Pay-to-play/Battle of the Band bullshit shows. And I completely agree. Those shows suck. And article this just justifies it even further. As far as I'm concerned, this will be our last Gorilla show.
Saw them in 08, old aussies slayed.
Fuck, really? I was really hoping to see my first AC/DC show this summer. Was excited when they announced their 40 years tour.
poor guy that sucks
didn't go because the tickets to wells were like 90 bucks whenever they came here, meh.
did a fucking world tour and stopped in des moines iowa with only like 15 dates in the US
yea thats a terrible way to go out. Nit being able to do something you love because you physically can no longer do it.
fuck Michael Ruppert is dead...sad day :-<
says it was suicide
yeah I know...I don't believe that
that was my first thought when i read the article.
Pretty funny
Don't you ever try to be
More than you were destined for
Or anything worth fighting for
Just sent my resume to try and get an internship working for NPR in Chicago. Hope I get it. They seem interested in me.
an internship related to my field of study
A friend of one of the bands my band is playing with next month posted this. @Jag has mentioned numerous times to get out of Pay-to-play/Battle of the Band bullshit shows. And I completely agree. Those shows suck. And article this just justifies it even further. As far as I'm concerned, this will be our last Gorilla show.