I have a lesbian friend who refers to herself as a faggot. She gets pissed if someone else does(in a friendly/joking way) though which is kind of stupid.
Bing video search for porn. It's better than browsing sites. and the video plays in the Bing page so no annoying porn ads and popups or horny singles in your area.
fuck when Devin and i were driving to san antonio it was like 2am and we just got high as fuck and I turned the czar on and he was like "why would you do this to me" )
Just got offered a job at a window washing place down the road.... At first I was like "Nah" but then they said $12 an hour so I think I'm gonna take it.
was watching sports nation and they had this dog pick the game tonight by picking a dog bowl but when they showed the overhead view there wasn't even a treat in either bowl )
0 for aild
Just got head from this thick blonde bitch with a heavy country accent
B-) Dope
Captain America: Winter Soldier is hands down the best movie marvel has ever made.
fuck this gay dude I used to work with is awesome... He refers to him and his boyfriend as faggots
I have a lesbian friend who refers to herself as a faggot. She gets pissed if someone else does(in a friendly/joking way) though which is kind of stupid.
Yeah this dude doesn't care if you say it either
So. I found a good use for Bing.
Bing video search for porn. It's better than browsing sites. and the video plays in the Bing page so no annoying porn ads and popups or horny singles in your area.
Google video search for "porn" with safe search off: http://i.imgur.com/aBp0BJ3.png
Bing video search for "porn" with safe search off: http://i.imgur.com/0VuX3Y1.jpg
Links are NSFW...especially Bing link.
You're welcome.
I'm not gonna let one of these assholes fuck my cousin. If anyone fucks my cousin, it's gonna be me out of respect.
giving zero <
Umpiring sucks. I've umped a few games cuz the pay is awesome but dealing with bullshit coaches and retarded parents is annoying as fuck.
im a beast i don't even get shit
Have fun umping.... I'll be smoking weed all day.
And I'll make more than you
Fuark Veisha starts tonight. Might go to Ames.
Just got offered a job at a window washing place down the road.... At first I was like "Nah" but then they said $12 an hour so I think I'm gonna take it.
Try not to Ky cuz I won't be around as much.
was watching sports nation and they had this dog pick the game tonight by picking a dog bowl but when they showed the overhead view there wasn't even a treat in either bowl