fuck...for the third time in five weeks we were told my gma probably isn't going to make it much longer... She isn't eye peeing....they said the next thing might be kidney dialysis...but by the sounds of it her organs are beginning to fail....fuck she's fought hard...and I would give anything to have her back...but I don't know how much longer I can stand to see everyone I. My family go through this
Thank you guys for the support...today has been the hardest day of my life.... But with out a doubt I appreciate the love iv felt from here... Thanks for everything guys....and don't forget to tell your loved ones you love them...one day you won't be able to... And like I said a million times isn't enough
I got a weird bruise thing on my face. From the middle of my bottom lip to the bottom of my chin. Like a line and then at my chin an oval. Didnt do anything to my face and if I touch it I cant feel it like I would a bruise. its annoying. I start work monday too. I hope I dont have a red bruise/line on my face monday
There's some guy I read about who got his wife to inject him with a 100 mic's of LSD on his death bed.
That sounds like the best way to go out.
that'd be crazy
Now that I think about it, that sounds kinda scary. I don't know how I'd feel about dying if I was tripping :-?
All these games and you decided to play me..
fuck...for the third time in five weeks we were told my gma probably isn't going to make it much longer... She isn't eye peeing....they said the next thing might be kidney dialysis...but by the sounds of it her organs are beginning to fail....fuck she's fought hard...and I would give anything to have her back...but I don't know how much longer I can stand to see everyone I. My family go through this
Typo lol...I'm know for these
After looking at some of the pictures I took, I don't think PTH's bassist was too thrilled with me photographing their set lol
And you haven't k'd y yet.
Good for you
Thank you guys for the support...today has been the hardest day of my life.... But with out a doubt I appreciate the love iv felt from here... Thanks for everything guys....and don't forget to tell your loved ones you love them...one day you won't be able to... And like I said a million times isn't enough
thank you man
Despite the shit we all give each other here, we're here for ya. Hang in there bro.
I got a weird bruise thing on my face. From the middle of my bottom lip to the bottom of my chin. Like a line and then at my chin an oval. Didnt do anything to my face and if I touch it I cant feel it like I would a bruise. its annoying. I start work monday too. I hope I dont have a red bruise/line on my face monday
every band aspires to be as good as tool
Normally I don't pray.....but from the bottom of my heart I hope you kill yourself