man as happy as I am about not working at that place any more it's kinda scary thinking about If I don't find something by the time the work I'm doing now dries up
i was kinda stressed when i gtfo of my old job, but i started this new jawn yesterday and i couldn't be happier with the outcome. i'm about to make a lot of monay (insert birthday streamer smiley here (fuck you, @Tim ))
After talking to Tim and Rody last week about why Arif wasn't on the current tour, this doesn't surprise me. They made it seem like Arif just isn't "into" the music anymore.
I had family members calling to congratulate me and stuff. I don't know. I thought it was funny until it got too serious. I had to delete it by like 10am.
What's holding up is a mirror. But what's singing songs is a snake Looking to turn this piss to wine.
They're both totally void of hate, But killing me just the same.
The snake behind me hisses What my damage could have been. My blood before me begs me Open up my heart again.
And I feel this coming over like a storm again. Considerately.
Venomous voice, tempts me, Drains me, bleeds me, Leaves me cracked and empty. Drags me down like some sweet gravity.
The snake behind me hisses What my damage could have been. My blood before me begs me Open up my heart again.
And I feel this coming over like a storm again.
I am too connected to you to Slip away, to fade away. Days away I still feel you Touching me, changing me, And considerately killing me.
Without the skin, Beneath the storm, Under these tears The walls came down.
And the snake is drowned and As I look in his eyes, My fear begins to fade Recalling all of those times.
I could have cried then. I should have cried then.
And as the walls come down and As I look in your eyes My fear begins to fade Recalling all of the times I have died and will die. It's all right. I don't mind.
I am too connected to you to Slip away, to fade away. Days away I still feel you Touching me, changing me,
So Denver Black Sky "announced" the next lineup today for April Fool's. They're all dumb plays on real bands, and in the comments someone asked if the dumb names are any clue as to who is actually playing and they said yes. I have most figured out but I'm stuck on a few :-?
Dark Gasp - ? Hacienda Muerte - ? Hostile Honesty -? Revival -? Brewtality - Brutality Blow Blower - Bolt Thrower? Beautician - Mortician Tacks - Nails Dildoid - ? Soundem - Noisem Biblical Reference -? Beefist ? Drug Jogger - Doperunner Fart Factory - Fear Factory 409 - ? Lovecraft Reference - ? Freascala - Scalefrea Anal - ? Green Is The New God - ? Beergasm -? I Wrestled A Beer Once - IWABO Fartifex - Carnifex Bonded By Beer - Bonded By Blood Weedrage - ? It Should Have Been Vinnie - It Should Have Been Lars Fucktron - ? Vagician - ? Dork Funeral - Dark Funeral Power Strip - Power Trip
i was kinda stressed when i gtfo of my old job, but i started this new jawn yesterday and i couldn't be happier with the outcome. i'm about to make a lot of monay (insert birthday streamer smiley here (fuck you, @Tim ))
fucking cops man
Did I miss something I was just reading through this thread and saw this now on facebook earlier I read you're engaged?
think this is true or april fools?
@mrape it was an April fools joke that way too many people got excited over. Had to take it down. Lol
Well done lol
I was like smh haha
i was very confused.
Just finished the 2 pound bag of Captain Crunch I bought yesterday
After talking to Tim and Rody last week about why Arif wasn't on the current tour, this doesn't surprise me. They made it seem like Arif just isn't "into" the music anymore.
fuck this office work is cake
I had family members calling to congratulate me and stuff. I don't know. I thought it was funny until it got too serious. I had to delete it by like 10am.
What's coming through is alive.
But what's singing songs is a snake
Looking to turn this piss to wine.
They're both totally void of hate,
But killing me just the same.
The snake behind me hisses
What my damage could have been.
My blood before me begs me
Open up my heart again.
And I feel this coming over like a storm again.
Venomous voice, tempts me,
Drains me, bleeds me,
Leaves me cracked and empty.
Drags me down like some sweet gravity.
The snake behind me hisses
What my damage could have been.
My blood before me begs me
Open up my heart again.
And I feel this coming over like a storm again.
I am too connected to you to
Slip away, to fade away.
Days away I still feel you
Touching me, changing me,
And considerately killing me.
Without the skin,
Beneath the storm,
Under these tears
The walls came down.
And the snake is drowned and
As I look in his eyes,
My fear begins to fade
Recalling all of those times.
I could have cried then.
I should have cried then.
And as the walls come down and
As I look in your eyes
My fear begins to fade
Recalling all of the times
I have died
and will die.
It's all right.
I don't mind.
I am too connected to you to
Slip away, to fade away.
Days away I still feel you
Touching me, changing me,
And considerately killing me.
lol @ disagree
So Denver Black Sky "announced" the next lineup today for April Fool's. They're all dumb plays on real bands, and in the comments someone asked if the dumb names are any clue as to who is actually playing and they said yes. I have most figured out but I'm stuck on a few :-?
Dark Gasp - ?
Hacienda Muerte - ?
Hostile Honesty -?
Revival -?
Brewtality - Brutality
Blow Blower - Bolt Thrower?
Beautician - Mortician
Tacks - Nails
Dildoid - ?
Soundem - Noisem
Biblical Reference -?
Beefist ?
Drug Jogger - Doperunner
Fart Factory - Fear Factory
409 - ?
Lovecraft Reference - ?
Freascala - Scalefrea
Anal - ?
Green Is The New God - ?
Beergasm -?
I Wrestled A Beer Once - IWABO
Fartifex - Carnifex
Bonded By Beer - Bonded By Blood
Weedrage - ?
It Should Have Been Vinnie - It Should Have Been Lars
Fucktron - ?
Vagician - ?
Dork Funeral - Dark Funeral
Power Strip - Power Trip
Maybe Voivod. Not really sure though. That lineup is all over the place.