So Denver Black Sky "announced" the next lineup today for April Fool's. They're all dumb plays on real bands, and in the comments someone asked if the dumb names are any clue as to who is actually playing and they said yes. I have most figured out but I'm stuck on a few :-?
Biblical Reference -? 409 - ? Green Is The New God - ?
I'm sure most of em have nothing to do with the fest. I'm not even gonna entertain the thought of Bolt Thrower playing. Only band I'd say is a lock is Nails on fan demand alone.
My favorite local venue/record store here is closing at the end of the month. I've been going to shows there for the last 4 years, I've had some of the most memorable concert experiences at this venue. It feels so weird that it's closing.
I'll be going to their very last show there on the 26th, I'm excited and sad about it.
So random observation here but I've noticed that my music tastes have been kinda changing lately. I've been listening to a lot more alt/progressive country and indie music as of late. And when I do listen to metal it's less Emmure & BMTH and more Mastodon, DTP, and Skeletonwitch. Guess I'm just getting burnt out of that stuff.
Nvm Russian Circles is 309, not 409.
Good calls Facefuck.
Dark Gasp = Black Breath I just realized.
I'm sure most of em have nothing to do with the fest. I'm not even gonna entertain the thought of Bolt Thrower playing. Only band I'd say is a lock is Nails on fan demand alone.
hostile honesty = brutal truth
fuckin christ... brutal truth, bolt thrower, and nails. consider that show on my radar :-?
I think they're touring 'til the end of the year then they're done.
how is it not brutal truth lol
So random observation here but I've noticed that my music tastes have been kinda changing lately. I've been listening to a lot more alt/progressive country and indie music as of late. And when I do listen to metal it's less Emmure & BMTH and more Mastodon, DTP, and Skeletonwitch. Guess I'm just getting burnt out of that stuff.
alt country is good shit
Listen to Lucinda Williams and Kasey chambers
it's starting to get warn again. Cuffing season is over. Back to single life.
It's mild as fuck outside
I'm diggin it
Cuz I hate bein' sobah
Lineup announcement 4/20
Shoot yourself in the head @MetalCrusades
Welcome to Mount Ida, where we get smashed at LAX games at 6pm.
Does anyone lax anymore?
That sport breeds douchebags.