Jesus news is fucking redic....not only were the news stations covering biebler instead of the Ukraine riots....but the kid wasn't even drunk....and from what I read might not even have been speeding....the cops were just fucking with him....all chargers were dropped lmao...fuck this country
Last Tuesday it took me 13.5 hours to drive from Pittsburg to ny. I think ice was the problem down south. Can't drive on ice and theyddon't have numerous sanders like we dO
For real. It wasn't the snow that was bad. It was so cold the fucking Window and wipers kept freezing. I could barely see you. I was real nervous. It was fucking horrible
Fuck my uncle hit some ice once and had an empty trailer and he lost control and took out like three cars that were on the side of the highway...luckily the people weren't anywhere close
how under a fucking rock do you have to be