That story hit home for me. I don't know if any of you remember but I was dropped on my head after a stage dive. Fucked me up bad for three weeks. It took 6 months before I fully started thinking normal
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
interestingly enough, there was a kid who landed on his neck at the acacia strain/terror show back in 10 here. shit was nuts, terror yelled for the set to stop and the building cleared.
I've stopped a couple guys from getting their heads caved in at Mayhem the past couple years. One that comes to mind was at the end of I The Breather's set in 2012 while I was trying to move up for Whitechapel/As I Lay Dying, some dude was getting dropped from high up head first onto the pavement. Was able to slide my hand under his head at the last second so that it didn't get smacked.
I'm not complaining about the snow. I love the snow. It's the fact that they dumped 6 million people on the roads tryna get through the shit with no salt on the roads. Shits chaos down here. I'm in a shelter for the night. There's about 25 other people here too
And that was my heroic action of the decade
I cann't see shit bitch... What did you use this to take that struggle ass pic?
Still reigns true
The one where I had the guys digging