And all I care about is music. Like you said, tattoos don't interfere wit that. To me, it's literally music or die, so I don't give a fuck what else it interferes wit.
Literally lol. So easy to say when you're young. Hope the music thing works, but if you need a job, a place to live, loans from a bank, get pulled over on the way to the studio, end up on court, or anything else along the way of making it happen, then in instances like those it actually can interfere with your ability to make music. It seems like a pretty decent route to go out of you way to make your own life harder with very little payoff.
it's bear hunting season right now in jersey (we only have black bears) and a friend of mine doesn't like the hunting of bears unless it's done for food. which is fine, many people feel that way. i wouldn't wanna hunt anything i wouldn't eat or give to someone else that would eat it either. i wouldn't wanna kill something just to kill it. so she ranted a little bit on facebook and one of her friends (who i assume is around her age, 21/22) says: "i'd like to see one of these big bad hunters hunt a grizzly" i swear, stupidity is an epidemic that is spreading like the plague and people are getting dumber and dumber
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
Ya know Courtney love is some of the biggest scummiest trash ever but in all honesty the more I listen to hole the better they are.. That band kinda kills
He's just working at Dunkin right now cuz he loves slaving away for fat people so he can buy other people weed and booze cuz, ya know, it's fun
Besides, hand tats or not, Mom is always right down the hall :-c
Sit your fat ass down.
Heard killing yourself might relieve all that stress. :-?
"i'd like to see one of these big bad hunters hunt a grizzly"
i swear, stupidity is an epidemic that is spreading like the plague and people are getting dumber and dumber
Joey left Slipknot. Where is your god now?