I was almost the fifth car in a 4 car pile-up in Lower Wacker Drive at 1 am. so glad I noticed the pieces of broken tail lights and skidmarks before going into the blind curve.
1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
I don't know what I want/ where I want to be in life and that's a reason I was considering leaving to go to community college to save money and maybe find myself as a person... And I openly admitted to being suicidal/ having a lot of these thoughts (however you put it) this year. Music and lacrosse were the only thing keeping me motivated. My grades have suffered as a result. I felt all of my friends were leaving me since we all go to different schools. That's the gist of it
Some of my teammates took me outside to talk and just listen. It was nice to have a shoulder to cry on.
I had pretty much shed all if my high school friends within 6 months of leaving high school. It seemed devastating at the time, but now it just seems like a natural progression. Eventually, new people come into your life.
Some of my teammates took me outside to talk and just listen. It was nice to have a shoulder to cry on.