I definitely feel way more comfortable with my college friends than those prats I hung out with in high school. I'm only still friends with one person from high school.
Im still closer to my high school friends than my college ones. If they mean a lot to you, you keep the connection. With the internet its easier than ever too.
Im still closer to my high school friends than my college ones. If they mean a lot to you, you keep the connection. With the internet its easier than ever too.
Took me like a year to stop hanging with people from high school. Contact just faded even though we were all going to the same county school. If anything, they want to hang out with me more now that I went away. I rarely do though. I'm a different person than I was then. I'm not as shy as I was then.
Can't find the quote thread on mobile bit some chick while playing hangman after senior project presentations: "you guys aren't going to guess this one. Its mad hard. It has one of the most least guessed letters".
Im still closer to my high school friends than my college ones. If they mean a lot to you, you keep the connection. With the internet its easier than ever too.
When I talk to my best friend, we always say how much better high school was. College sucks. My junior and senior year were some of the best times I've ever had
Im still closer to my high school friends than my college ones. If they mean a lot to you, you keep the connection. With the internet its easier than ever too.
When I talk to my best friend, we always say how much better high school was. College sucks. My junior and senior year were some of the best times I've ever had
I like the actual experience/life style/ schooling part of college much better than high school. I'm just really anti-social so I don't reach out to my college friends as much as my high school friends. I mean, I like them and enjoy chillin with them - but I'm closer to my high school friends.
Plus knowing most of them between 5-11+ years has strengthened our friendship a lot. I'd happily die for most of my friends.
Im still closer to my high school friends than my college ones. If they mean a lot to you, you keep the connection. With the internet its easier than ever too.
When I talk to my best friend, we always say how much better high school was. College sucks. My junior and senior year were some of the best times I've ever had
I like the actual experience/life style/ schooling part of college much better than high school. I'm just really anti-social so I don't reach out to my college friends as much as my high school friends. I mean, I like them and enjoy chillin with them - but I'm closer to my high school friends.
Plus knowing most of them between 5-11+ years has strengthened our friendship a lot. I'd happily die for most of my friends.
It's funny because my best friends are people I have known only for 5 years now. I left elementary and middle school behind (our school split, so I lost contact with a lot of people). But I completely agree with your statement on not reaching out to college friends as much.
Hang in there Kyle...our late teens and early 20's are the time where you find who you really are. All your feelings are natural..hell I still have them sometimes. You don't have to go searching for who you are, it will come to you. Just be yourself, and try and appreciate the small things and stay positive and good things will come your way
You'll find that the real friends will stick with you over time no matter what.
youtube comment
"is this the song about pot?"
I feel a lot better today. Just gotta get through these last two days!
Hope everything works out
Plus knowing most of them between 5-11+ years has strengthened our friendship a lot. I'd happily die for most of my friends.
If you don't know the difference:
There's also erotophobia, which I also lightly relate to a bit. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erotophobia
Idk how to explain this lol. A really bad explanation would be that I don't care about sex (?) idk
In this case please ignore the example of skully...he is the exception