GUITAR WORLD: Opiate’s 20th anniversary was last year. What prompted you to reimagine the artwork now?
To be honest, someone brought up that it was 20 years since we released Opiate. And we were like, “Jesus, really?” But we’ve been working on new Tool music, and we all have other projects we’re involved in. So by the time we got around to talking about it seriously, it was the album’s 21st anniversary. [laughs] Whatever. It’s still fun to do it. I’m very happy with it.
some faggot ass nigger stole my bud and im on adderall so all i want to do is smoke and im pissed off and lets just say i found a new pair of nice red nikes and a car battery charger still in the wrapping
That's about it. I cancelled and I'm gonna buy the DVDs once I get thru this month
GUITAR WORLD: Opiate’s 20th anniversary was last year. What prompted you to reimagine the artwork now?
To be honest, someone brought up that it was 20 years since we released Opiate. And we were like, “Jesus, really?” But we’ve been working on new Tool music, and we all have other projects we’re involved in. So by the time we got around to talking about it seriously, it was the album’s 21st anniversary. [laughs] Whatever. It’s still fun to do it. I’m very happy with it.
Everything about this video is so bad
If you can't read it its "Todd, The Ugliest Kid On Earth"