Just absolutely fascinating animals. Everything about them. The countless species, the sizes that certain species can reach, and how incredibly expansive the breeding game is. There's so many color morphs and variations, it just blows my mind. The Reticulated Python has probably the most morphs. 3 Phases of Albino (White, Lavender, and Purple.) Genetic Stripe, Leucistic, Platinum, Sunfire, Tiger, Albino Tiger, Purple Tiger, Hypo, Blonde Hypo, Caramel, Golden Child, and that's only breaking the surface! There's plenty more. It blows my mind how years of captive breeding has done a sort of "evolution" to the animals. There's even size genetics that people breed, for instance, I'm getting a Super Dwarf Retic in December, and their adult size is 6-7 feet, whereas a Mainland Retic gets anywhere from 10-20+ feet (Although, only Females get that big usually.). They're the most beautiful thing nature has to offer in my opinion, and they're just amazing as pets, such curious little guys. I want to revolve my life around them, whether it be breeding, or being a Reptile vet, or something of the sort.
I'm going to a Reptile show on Saturday, and I can't wait! There's so many snakes to see and hold, it's ridiculous. And a Purple Albino Retic in person, is quite possibly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. I feel lucky to have even held one.
Still an okay-good album, but not what I wanted it it to be.
saw the Big 4 tour on DVD...
<_> Way too fucking awkward I swear.
Don't you worry about it getting annoyed at you and killing you? You mentioned biting but really, with a python, wouldn't it constrict you?