And all my snakes (Keep in mind, not all species of snakes.) are nocturnal, so they sleep and hide during the day, but even at night they're not terribly active, snakes are very lazy in general, but when they're hungry, they'll usually come out and explore, constantly moving around, looking for food. But that happens at night. And I let them wander very rarely, but when I do I supervise them carefully. Last time I did that the Ball Python almost squeezed himself under the dresser... >_> Lolz.
i wasn't trying to bash him at all...i was simply telling him to brush his hair just like my friends did the same thing to me when i had long hair....its not my fault that the kid thinks everything said to him is someone bashing him cause hes a whine ass
No it was bashing. My hair was combed there, I just have nappy ass hair. I actually liked how it looked somewhat yesterday compared to how it usually is.
im sure if i told someone else to brush there hair they would not get butthurtz over it...face it the reason why people do bash you so much is because of how easy you give in to the butthurtz
It's just bullshit. I get criticized for every fucking thing I do. With my natural hair, I get told to comb it even though it was combed, when my hair is straight, I'm an Emo faggot that needs to go slice his wrists some more whilst listening to BMTH, and with a beanie on I get called a bum and a moron for wearing the beanie when it's not Winter.
It's just bullshit. I get criticized for every fucking thing I do. With my natural hair, I get told to comb it even though it was combed, when my hair is straight, I'm an Emo faggot that needs to go slice his wrists some more whilst listening to BMTH, and with a beanie on I get called a bum and a moron for wearing the beanie when it's not Winter.
It's just bullshit. I get criticized for every fucking thing I do. With my natural hair, I get told to comb it even though it was combed, when my hair is straight, I'm an Emo faggot that needs to go slice his wrists some more whilst listening to BMTH, and with a beanie on I get called a bum and a moron for wearing the beanie when it's not Winter.
Some one already messed up their tv while using Kinect:
Well, the first moron that we've heard of. He's not really a moron, he's Phil Villarreal, author and critic. And he's out a pricey television. You are the controller? No Phil, you are the guy with the broken TV.
"A public service announcement: Do not under any circumstances play Kinect Sports Volleyball at 1:30 a.m. while standing under a ceiling fan with a dangling chain for a light switch," he writes.
The result was that Phil apparently spiked the dangling chain into his 47-inch 1080p LCD HDTV, leaving it with a rainbow LCD teardrop of death. Kinect went on sale on November 4. It is now November 5. That television was purchased last December, and it never lived to see its second Christmas. How sad.
When the Nintendo Wii launched in 2006, there were also claims that flying Wii Remotes caused accidents — some real, some not. Anytime you get gamers off the sofa and floundering around the living room, you're asking for trouble.
And all my snakes (Keep in mind, not all species of snakes.) are nocturnal, so they sleep and hide during the day, but even at night they're not terribly active, snakes are very lazy in general, but when they're hungry, they'll usually come out and explore, constantly moving around, looking for food. But that happens at night. And I let them wander very rarely, but when I do I supervise them carefully. Last time I did that the Ball Python almost squeezed himself under the dresser... >_> Lolz.
Well, the first moron that we've heard of. He's not really a moron, he's Phil Villarreal, author and critic. And he's out a pricey television. You are the controller? No Phil, you are the guy with the broken TV.
"A public service announcement: Do not under any circumstances play Kinect Sports Volleyball at 1:30 a.m. while standing under a ceiling fan with a dangling chain for a light switch," he writes.
The result was that Phil apparently spiked the dangling chain into his 47-inch 1080p LCD HDTV, leaving it with a rainbow LCD teardrop of death. Kinect went on sale on November 4. It is now November 5. That television was purchased last December, and it never lived to see its second Christmas. How sad.
When the Nintendo Wii launched in 2006, there were also claims that flying Wii Remotes caused accidents — some real, some not. Anytime you get gamers off the sofa and floundering around the living room, you're asking for trouble.