I hate being a middle aged white guy in this social climate. It seems like everyone pretty much dismisses my opinion about everything, especially online. I’ve mostly kinda stopped even sharing my opinion because it’s fucking annoying. This Taylor Swift shit is nauseating to me. I hate her music. I think she’s an awful cross section of boring and annoying. I don’t think she’s some feminist icon. I don’t think her political shit is even remotely interesting. She’s so over saturated that it’s sickening and she has been for years now. I’ve taken to blocking anyone or anything that puts her into my feed. I had been open about my disdain for her, but oh my fucking god it’s annoying to be accused of being MAGA or sexist of misogynistic by her simple minded fans. Like people can’t just suck anymore. It’s gotta be about some identity or political shit. I fucking hate it
Oi MC meet advanced you
I hate it when I post something like this because I’m in a bad mood and come back to it later to see how cringe it is. Def one of my “should’ve counted to 20 before posting” moments. Forgive me gents
I hate being a middle aged white guy in this social climate. It seems like everyone pretty much dismisses my opinion about everything, especially online. I’ve mostly kinda stopped even sharing my opinion because it’s fucking annoying. This Taylor Swift shit is nauseating to me. I hate her music. I think she’s an awful cross section of boring and annoying. I don’t think she’s some feminist icon. I don’t think her political shit is even remotely interesting. She’s so over saturated that it’s sickening and she has been for years now. I’ve taken to blocking anyone or anything that puts her into my feed. I had been open about my disdain for her, but oh my fucking god it’s annoying to be accused of being MAGA or sexist of misogynistic by her simple minded fans. Like people can’t just suck anymore. It’s gotta be about some identity or political shit. I fucking hate it
Oi MC meet advanced you
I hate it when I post something like this because I’m in a bad mood and come back to it later to see how cringe it is. Def one of my “should’ve counted to 20 before posting” moments. Forgive me gents
I recently read that as we age we have to fight ourselves to not let the boomer in and I felt that.
The videos coming our from that are pretty crazy, bit these first batches are pretty easy to tell its a ai video, but yeah it won't be more than 5 years before these things are crazy crazy.
the video of the car driving was pretty crazy, but you could tell by looking at the bushes that it just wasn't quite there yet. But man is it pretty crazy.
I actually think one industry that could really benefit from things like this is the gaming industry.
Imagine being able to create a games entire map in a matter of a few minutes, and then move on to just creating the details of that map yourself.
Granted i don't know a ton about game development so i could be way off.
I got home around 6 last night, and immediately took a nap until 7:30. Got up, went upstairs, and was asleep by 8:30. I slept until now, and I still feel fucking exhausted today
I was told a very good friend of mine has apparently been abusive towards his girlfriend (she reached out to my girlfriend) and I dont know if I should say something to him or not. I feel like its not my business, but it seems extremely out of character for him
If so, and I heard that. I'd ask him about it, but not in a confronting way.
100% of the time when a guy is abusive he's a baby back bitch and word getting around to his friends might be enough for him to chill out. He doesn't want people to know he's a baby back bitch.n
If so, and I heard that. I'd ask him about it, but not in a confronting way.
100% of the time when a guy is abusive he's a baby back bitch and word getting around to his friends might be enough for him to chill out. He doesn't want people to know he's a baby back bitch.n
Mostly verbal/emotional, I dont believe he's ever hit her. Sounds like he's going through what I am (just turned 30, no passion, directionless, no real career, band ended, etc) and so she reached out to my gf to see if I was also being abusive lmao.
How do you feel about his gf? Is she an attention whore or liar?
I like his gf, she's nice, but she does have a quite a bit of background drama. I dont think she's a liar, but she does have baggage. She kinda got introduced to the friend group as a groupie of sorts for my band.
The way she approached your gf sorta screams for attention. Like why would anyone think YOU abused someone? Youre like a big teddy bear. I guess I’d talk to him on the low about it.
People get weird ideas based on people's appearance.
Like I'm a big guy. Not extremely tall, but ive always been stocky. When i walk around by myself in my neighborhood the woman will actively avoid me if they are alone. Ive also been told by multiple people that i look like a stereotypical pedo when i shave my face lol.
So i could see if someone didn't know aaron, could make a judgement based on his metal af beard and hair, that he was a woman beater. But based on what she said, and you saying it more verbal, it seems like he's probably just sick of her, and telling her the truth. ( obiviously this is a huge assumption based on very little knowledge ) ). people will do that as a way to force the other person to break up with them.
Gf gets mad at me because "I'm working too much", so I cancel my shift for today, and she's been a standoffish bitch towards me all day. I should have went to work.
We're fucking cooked lmao
It's scary.
the video of the car driving was pretty crazy, but you could tell by looking at the bushes that it just wasn't quite there yet. But man is it pretty crazy.
I actually think one industry that could really benefit from things like this is the gaming industry.
Imagine being able to create a games entire map in a matter of a few minutes, and then move on to just creating the details of that map yourself.
Granted i don't know a ton about game development so i could be way off.
If so, and I heard that. I'd ask him about it, but not in a confronting way.
100% of the time when a guy is abusive he's a baby back bitch and word getting around to his friends might be enough for him to chill out. He doesn't want people to know he's a baby back bitch.n
Like I'm a big guy. Not extremely tall, but ive always been stocky. When i walk around by myself in my neighborhood the woman will actively avoid me if they are alone. Ive also been told by multiple people that i look like a stereotypical pedo when i shave my face lol.
So i could see if someone didn't know aaron, could make a judgement based on his metal af beard and hair, that he was a woman beater. But based on what she said, and you saying it more verbal, it seems like he's probably just sick of her, and telling her the truth. ( obiviously this is a huge assumption based on very little knowledge
but that would be my best guess.