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  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,017 spicy boy
    Its my first day off in 20 days. Was hoping to go to an anime convention this weekend, and now idk because I got a terrible cold 
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  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
    eh. you should be doing that kind of shit in your 20's. That way once you hit 35 you can start enjoying life lol
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,993 jayfacer
    At no age or point in your life SHOULD you be doing that shit. You’ll physically handle it better in your 20s but that’s irrelevant. Easy way to age yourself extremely faster too.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
    Im not really going to take life advice from someone who lives with there parents. 

    Like no offense or anything, its a solid af setup. But the thing is, until you are out on your own, you really have no idea what its like to have to fend for yourself. 

    Hustling so you can BUY a residence>>>>>>

    real estate is the single best investment you can make, and MC is doing it right.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,993 jayfacer
    That’s fine, I’m not gonna take life advice from someone that endorses full blown slavery wit zero time off lmfao.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,993 jayfacer
    I been working 50 hour weeks so it’s not like it’s coming from a lazy bum standpoint either. But even that is pushing it and the only saving grace is the fact that I get my guaranteed weekends off and somewhat generous PTO. I’d lose my mind otherwise.

    This dude jus said he ain’t been off in 20 days. You do realize that that’s not even fucking legal, (For good fucking reason.) and the only reason that’s the case is because it’s dispersed between 3 jobs? Singular employers are required by law to give you at least 1 day off per 13 days or some shit like that.

    Mental health and sanity is gonna be in absolute shambles real fucking quick. A lifestyle like that is the quickest way to suck the life out of someone and break them down and that is absolutely never worth it. He already been saying how he gave up every last one of his actual passions and even gaming only gets like an hour a week now. A life without, you know, the actual LIFE part, is no life at all. And I’m not hating MC, I’m saying get out and save yourself cause the blood is in the water, badly.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
    edited August 2023
    Im not saying you are lazy. Im just saying. If you live on your own you have to be aware of every action you make. 

    You could not work and you essentially would be okay. 

    When you are on your own there is just more anxiety, because if you fuck up you have no where to run. You gotta deal with it yourself. 

    Im not trying to be a dick either. I thought i knew until i actually knew lol. Its just different. IMO

    As far as the burnt out shit. I am just probably built different. My income relies on me actually being at work, so i haven't missed a day of work in over 2 years. the only reason i ever did at my last job, is because i didnt make commission. Like if i dont go in, i literally only make like $14-15 dollars an hour now. 

    I would have to basically be dead before i came to work, because i am money motivated. and i have a family that relies on me. 

    I don't really believe in being burnt out either. You can get sick of anything if you do it to much. Being "burnt out" is really just a mental hurdle to get over when it comes to work. You just get up, dont be a pussy, and do it. Then its over. 

    I always try to do the things i want to do least first, thats why i like getting into work early and knocking out my task list asap. 

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
    before you know it ima be a silver fox boi
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,017 spicy boy
    Its my first day off in 20 days. Was hoping to go to an anime convention this weekend, and now idk because I got a terrible cold 
    Update: I went to the con. Its drink time
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  • ThatGuyArloThatGuyArlo Posts: 1,430 jayfacer
    I don't really believe in being burnt out either. You can get sick of anything if you do it to much. Being "burnt out" is really just a mental hurdle to get over when it comes to work. You just get up, dont be a pussy, and do it. Then its over. 

    Yeah it's a mental hurdle, it's called being fucking exhausted, doesn't mean it's not legit. You sound like a boss I used to have. I feel like this kind of mind set unfairly sets some ridiculous expectations on workers instead of addressing the main problem of being overworked in the first place. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
    More than likely if you are exhausted, it's because you aren't getting enough sleep/aren't taking In the right vitiamins. 

    I'm not saying you should work every single day. I'm just saying that there's nothing wrong with having that many days in a row occasionally.

    I definitely am an advocate of weekends. I don't think you should work none stop. I just mean if MC thinks his goal of buying a place will i.prove his life, then he absolutely should be hustling every day he feels like he can. 

    I'm probably not getting my point across very clearly through text. 

    Not trying to say you should be a slave to a company.fuck a company. Just saying that if you have a goal, like MC, and want to work towards that goal, then you just gotta put burn out in the rear view mirror. 

    I've learned the last few years that successful people don't sulk on how much they work, or cry about being burnt out. They just figure out a way to keep going and eventually you see the fruits of that labor. Don't focus on the present or past but focus on the future and where you want to be in 5 or 10 years, not next week. 

    Mc isn't happy with where he's at yet, so he's hustling. I commend that and think it's pretty weak to just assume he's going to burn out. 

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
    "One year of hard work and hustle can change your life forever" 

    I'm not saying slave for life. But get that goal and smash it. And props to MC for doing that. 

    He went out all on his own, and he's becoming a real man. 

    Us dad's are proud. 


  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,993 jayfacer
    Im not saying you are lazy. Im just saying. If you live on your own you have to be aware of every action you make. 

    You could not work and you essentially would be okay. 

    When you are on your own there is just more anxiety, because if you fuck up you have no where to run. You gotta deal with it yourself. 

    Im not trying to be a dick either. I thought i knew until i actually knew lol. Its just different. IMO

    As far as the burnt out shit. I am just probably built different. My income relies on me actually being at work, so i haven't missed a day of work in over 2 years. the only reason i ever did at my last job, is because i didnt make commission. Like if i dont go in, i literally only make like $14-15 dollars an hour now. 

    I would have to basically be dead before i came to work, because i am money motivated. and i have a family that relies on me. 

    I don't really believe in being burnt out either. You can get sick of anything if you do it to much. Being "burnt out" is really just a mental hurdle to get over when it comes to work. You just get up, dont be a pussy, and do it. Then its over. 

    I always try to do the things i want to do least first, thats why i like getting into work early and knocking out my task list asap. 

    That argument in this case is immediately out of the window because unless MC left something out, he was not on the hot seat and being pushed out by his parents anyways. That only applies if you are literally forced out. He was still in a position where he could have stayed and stacked up a while longer so that he was in a more comfortable position when he did move out. 

    And being burnt out is not simply “getting tired of something”. Actual burnout is jus that, being completely fucking burnt out and being out of gas, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Literal existential dread. 

    It’s not at all a matter of being a pussy, it’s a matter of, as I said, absolutely nobody of any age should be working that fucking much. There’s a difference between hustling and slaving/breaking your back. 

    Idk what your schedule is and how many hours a week you work, but wit 3 jobs and 20 days straight no days off, it’s safe to say that MC is prolly pulling upwards of 70 hour weeks or more. Fuck leisure for a moment, where is there time to do literally ANYTHING else? Barely enough time to even properly sleep, or eat beyond popping some fucking Ramen in the microwave. Do the math. The math ain’t mathing. None of that is how any of us are sposed to live and it does nothing but break you down in every way possible, and nobody is a pussy for not co-signing that bullshit.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
    edited August 2023
    Idk man yall don't even have kids don't talk to me about burn out lmao. 

    I just threw the pussy out there hoping someone would post jobs post it lmao. 

    Really not saying you should work 70 hours all the time. That does suck. But nothing wrong with it some times to stack. 

    I worked a whole summer of 70 hour weeks to go to Disney and we balled out. Spent 10 days in a suite and went to every park twice. Would do again. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
    That said my job now is so easy lol. I mostly just talk to people on the phone and hang out. 

    But I put in many years reading policy language and working long hours figuring it out. That's going to pay off down the road when I'm an insurance advisor, or something of the sorts. 

    Scamming people on advice instead of coverage. 
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