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  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,606 moneytalker
    You don’t really have any idea how the hospitals infrastructure works though, or what kind of environment they are in. They only have so many zero pressure rooms, and its not many. They have covid patients on every floor, and the nurses dont have even close to the necessary amount of PPE they need. They are reusing PPE that should be disposed, because they have no other choice. 

    On top of that they are having to do other peoples jobs, because the hospital doesn’t want to send techs into the rooms over fear of getting too many people sicks. The janitors arent allowed on the floors, so you know who gets that dumped on them? They arent doing just their job. 

     I get that you are upset about current working conditions, i was too until i started wring from home. But i didnt say walmart workers or you shouldn’t get hazard pay as well. You definitely should. But this posts wasnt about what others do or dont get and I wasn’t saying you shouldn’t. 

    The paper masks work, but you are also not working directly with people who are deathly sick shredding the know that the more of the virus you are exposed to, the sicker you get right? Thats why when these nurses get sick, a lot of them end up in the hospital. Mercy down here had 3 nurses admitted this week.

    all im saying is that being a nurse in Michigan’s hospital system right now is an extremely stressful job. And these people are being put in situations that are most likely to produce long lasting effects to their mental health, and possibly their physical health as well. Whens the last time you had to go to your job and hold up facetime so that a dying family member can see their family for the last time? 

    Whens the last time you went to you iob and had your boss say “ Do not let anyone run into a room without PPE. If the patient is dying, they are already dead.”

    Both of those situations happened to my GF this week. 

    Your whole opinion is basically “i dont get it why should they” is very narrow minded and very boomer of you. 

    1st - I’m not that serious 

    2nd - That’s still what they signed up for being nurses. It’s their job. Extreme circumstances this year but still what they trained for. They are the one segment of the population that trained to be around sick and dying people all day. They made that choice, the rest of us didn’t. $90 an hour is still insane. 

    It’s the new blue line. Do the job you signed up for or don’t, but don’t expect to get your dick sucked for it. 

    Pass the god damn butter.
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,747 spicy boy
  • ThatGuyArloThatGuyArlo Posts: 1,430 jayfacer
    I sympathize with you, Rex. 

    But at the same time, Jobe, even though being a bit sarcastic, is hitting on something that drives me up a fucking wall. I'm friends with several EMT, nurses, etc on Facebook and good god do some of these people love sucking themselves off. It's pretty annoying at times. Hell, one girl I know actually posted about "dental assistant week" some months ago and I wanted to fucking vomit. Like, come the fuck on, nobody made you choose that line of work. People complain about participation trophies yet praise these people up and down for simply having a job. Fuck outta here.  
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,781 spicy boy
    Yeah that’s definitely true. 

    I dont really see that part of it, but i hear about it because my GF is the opposite of that. She just wants to go there, do her job the right way and go home. Shes not really looking for praise. 

    im just pissed off because we have had 8 months to prepare for this and its just all happening over again. 

    Would never take that personal though. Thats why we come to this place with shit like this. 
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,071 master of ceremonies
    My GF works at the hospital and they are packed to the brim with covid right now. Once every two weeks at the end of her shift, after working 12 1/2 hours, they can mandate you to stay, for basically as long as it takes. 

    She had to stay an extra 6 hours yesterday. 

    She thinks she can get triple time doe, which would put those 6 hours at 90/hr. Thats dope, but they should be getting paid that every hour for the shit shes doing now. 
    Once every 2 weeks? Damn. When I was working at whitney they mandated me to stay from third shift (10pm to 9am) to first shift and wouldn't get out until 3pm at least once a week, usually twice. The triple time must be nice though. They were only paying double time and I thought I was rolling in it at the time
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,071 master of ceremonies
    Nah not at. 

    Nurses do more than doctors do at hospitals. And now they are having to do even more because they arent sending around regular staff for fear that they get sick. 

    I think they should make more because im informed of their actual job. In the same way that i think teachers should make more. 

    If a nurse is going to work every day, surrounded by a virus that could land them in the hospital,  they should be getting hazard pay regardless of who they are. 

    Id be in support of that regardless of who they are. 

    People at Walmart gotta work in the public with these non mask wearing dumb fucks. Do they get $90 an hour to put bread on the shelf? Ain’t nobody sucking their dicks like they are out saving the world. Shit factory still has to run, where’s my fucking medal? We don’t get UV disinfection lights and negative air pressure chambers and little air blowing space suits. People still need to eat so the meat plants and grocery stores stay open with hundreds of people sick. We get a paper mask and hand sanitizer. People all over have to nut up and do their jobs. Nurses have to do their fucking jobs for once and they can’t shut the fuck up about what heroes they are. 

    This is what they signed up for. They are already getting paid for it. 
    All that is valid, but your job working in said "shit factory" still isn't caring for the literal people infected and spreading this pandemic
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,606 moneytalker
    Again, not what I signed up for. I don’t care for them, I just work with them. Trump mandated the meat plants stay open, so we opened right back up. Multiple people died (not at my plant) the company paid a 15k fine, business as usual. We keep going in to work. No word on anything going on at our plant. We know people died, 300+ people were sick at one point. The company bribed donated a million to the local community and now we don’t hear shit from the newspapers. It’s a complete shit show. All the first shift people in my office have it now. Not sure if I had it, didn’t get tested. My boss’s wife is a nurse of the covid floor. If my boss tests positive she has to quarantine for 21 days. Our plant would have him not test positive for 3 days and he has to come back. It’s my job though so I’m not expecting recognition , I just go in and do it. Nurses sucking themselves off for doing their job has just been annoying af to me for awhile now. I’m not even that worked up about it, just trying to give Rex a hot take in an attempt to wind him up a bit. This place is slow. 

    At least the hospitals give a fuck though. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,355 destroyer of motherfuckers
    These faggot governors in Oregon and Washington better not have their states locked down in January when I pull up
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,747 spicy boy
    Dispensaries are essential so you’ll be straight. 
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,355 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Yeah but I wanna do other shit too. If shits locked down, I'm going to like 6 dispensaries a day and maxing out on bud and wax at each one and shipping it all back the day before I leave. 
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,355 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I'm prolly gonna do that anyways but I wanna get drunk n shit too
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,781 spicy boy
    Really people, were doing the toilet paper thing again? 
  • Ace_Deputy_CheezeAce_Deputy_Cheeze Posts: 14,736 jayfacer
    Trade you 3 rolls for the xbox
    Deputy_Cheeze's Profile Page Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,747 spicy boy
    Rex_Capone420 said: you 
    Really people, were doing the toilet paper thing again? 
    people are mad we are limiting it lol
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,870 spicy boy
    Kyle Rittenhouse raised $2million to be released on bail. :| 

    Imagine being a conservative, and raising $2million to get a murderer out of jail, and still having the mindset that Medicare and education programs cost too much. It's not the money that's the problem, it's the priorities.
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,828 jayfacer
    edited November 2020
    Woke up today to find that 2 of my fish got eaten. One of em I found the half eaten body and the other is jus completely MIA. One of the victims was the $175 fish so I’m gutted smh. And the worst part is I have no clue who did it because I technically have a community tank and I don’t own any species that are known to be aggressive or predators. Nothing has ever shown any real aggression and even so much as nipped at anything and then I jus wake up to 2 slaughtered fish. I can’t even move forward and replace them cause I need to bring the killer back to the fish store, but I can’t do that if I have no clue who it is smh.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,828 jayfacer
    edited November 2020
    There’s no way. He’s the slowest thing in the tank besides the snails and one of the ones that got killed was the fastest fish in the tank. There’s no way he could possibly catch it even if he wanted to. He prolly did help eat the dead body, they’re scavengers, but him catching and killing them, especially 2 in one night, is basically completely ruled out. It was definitely a fish but idk which one.
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