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  • Ace_Deputy_CheezeAce_Deputy_Cheeze Posts: 14,736 jayfacer
    My phone is about to shit itself gonna have to get a new one soon.
    Why they gotta be so spensive
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  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,956 spicy boy
    It costs a lot of money to have one armed African kids dig them diamonds out of mines and even more to grt them to the little Chinese babies for manufacturing.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,024 spicy boy
    edited November 2020
    My girlfriend has been having a horrible year...

    She left a stressful job at the beginning of the year,  and finally got her dream job only for Covid to hit, and she lost her job. She was on unemployment with no benefits for months, letting her own health deteriorate while she had no health insurance. She suffers from constant migraines. 

    Jump forward, she finally got a new job, and finally tried to move out from her parent's house. She found what she thought was a nice apartment. It was cheap. She finally thought it would be good.

    But her property management/land lord is turning out to be a real piece of work. 
    They never cleaned her apartment before she moved in, despite their contract saying they would. She asked for weeks and they never did. Then she was having heating issues where her apartment was always over 80 degrees, the property manager said someone would look at it - nobody ever came out to look at it. So she has shut all her vents and is just living without heat. Then they tried coming at her saying she underpaid on her security deposit, despite her being told a very specific number which she paid. So she had to pay more in a security deposit. She made a stink about all the things, and they gave her $100 back. 

    Then this weekend she gets a note saying that they found roaches in another tenants place so the exterminators were coming this week. They made her clear her kitchen and bathroom. She also has frogs, and the exterminators would be bad for them, so she brought them to my house so they would stay safe. The fucking exterminators never showed up. So when she asked wtf was going on, the property manager said "they dont have a spare key to get in". And asked her to leave a key under a mat, or keep the apartment unlocked. To which my girlfriend said "fuck no". So now they need to figure out a way to get in, so they can spray - and that also means she has to go longer without her frogs, and she cant use her kitchen or bathroom. And that means somebody might have a key, and they never changed the locks for the apartment despite losing the fucking keys. 

    On top of all of this, one of the frogs is sick, and looks awful. He has a vet appointment Friday, but I honestly don't know if he'll make it that long. He isn't eating, and just sleeps all day. He's dying. Of course while he's at my fucking house. So on top of all the bullshit with her apartment, her frog is going to die too. 

    TLDR: My girlfriends property manager sucks, and her frog is going to die while I'm supposed to be taking care of it. 
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,000 jayfacer
    Somehow popped an ear drum or something. Luckily it’s not painful but everything currently sounds “underwater” out of my right ear and it’s irritating as fuck.
  • Ace_Deputy_CheezeAce_Deputy_Cheeze Posts: 14,736 jayfacer
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,000 jayfacer
    Naw and if I hold my nose and blow, I can literally feel air pushing thru a hole in my eardrum smh.
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,818 spicy boy
    Busy af yesterday so I stayed two hours late and someone called in sick so I’m going in on my day off. Guess I’ll take the overtime but fuck 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,956 spicy boy
    My GF works at the hospital and they are packed to the brim with covid right now. Once every two weeks at the end of her shift, after working 12 1/2 hours, they can mandate you to stay, for basically as long as it takes. 

    She had to stay an extra 6 hours yesterday. 

    She thinks she can get triple time doe, which would put those 6 hours at 90/hr. Thats dope, but they should be getting paid that every hour for the shit shes doing now. 
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,464 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,956 spicy boy
    edited November 2020
    Nah not at. 

    Nurses do more than doctors do at hospitals. And now they are having to do even more because they arent sending around regular staff for fear that they get sick. 

    I think they should make more because im informed of their actual job. In the same way that i think teachers should make more. 

    If a nurse is going to work every day, surrounded by a virus that could land them in the hospital,  they should be getting hazard pay regardless of who they are. 

    Id be in support of that regardless of who they are. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,956 spicy boy
    What you said is funny, and it deff doesn’t hurt that im bangin one =))

    but they should still get paid more during all of this. 
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,657 moneytalker
    Nah not at. 

    Nurses do more than doctors do at hospitals. And now they are having to do even more because they arent sending around regular staff for fear that they get sick. 

    I think they should make more because im informed of their actual job. In the same way that i think teachers should make more. 

    If a nurse is going to work every day, surrounded by a virus that could land them in the hospital,  they should be getting hazard pay regardless of who they are. 

    Id be in support of that regardless of who they are. 

    People at Walmart gotta work in the public with these non mask wearing dumb fucks. Do they get $90 an hour to put bread on the shelf? Ain’t nobody sucking their dicks like they are out saving the world. Shit factory still has to run, where’s my fucking medal? We don’t get UV disinfection lights and negative air pressure chambers and little air blowing space suits. People still need to eat so the meat plants and grocery stores stay open with hundreds of people sick. We get a paper mask and hand sanitizer. People all over have to nut up and do their jobs. Nurses have to do their fucking jobs for once and they can’t shut the fuck up about what heroes they are. 

    This is what they signed up for. They are already getting paid for it. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,956 spicy boy
    You don’t really have any idea how the hospitals infrastructure works though, or what kind of environment they are in. They only have so many zero pressure rooms, and its not many. They have covid patients on every floor, and the nurses dont have even close to the necessary amount of PPE they need. They are reusing PPE that should be disposed, because they have no other choice. 

    On top of that they are having to do other peoples jobs, because the hospital doesn’t want to send techs into the rooms over fear of getting too many people sicks. The janitors arent allowed on the floors, so you know who gets that dumped on them? They arent doing just their job. 

     I get that you are upset about current working conditions, i was too until i started wring from home. But i didnt say walmart workers or you shouldn’t get hazard pay as well. You definitely should. But this posts wasnt about what others do or dont get and I wasn’t saying you shouldn’t. 

    The paper masks work, but you are also not working directly with people who are deathly sick shredding the know that the more of the virus you are exposed to, the sicker you get right? Thats why when these nurses get sick, a lot of them end up in the hospital. Mercy down here had 3 nurses admitted this week.

    all im saying is that being a nurse in Michigan’s hospital system right now is an extremely stressful job. And these people are being put in situations that are most likely to produce long lasting effects to their mental health, and possibly their physical health as well. Whens the last time you had to go to your job and hold up facetime so that a dying family member can see their family for the last time? 

    Whens the last time you went to you iob and had your boss say “ Do not let anyone run into a room without PPE. If the patient is dying, they are already dead.”

    Both of those situations happened to my GF this week. 

    Your whole opinion is basically “i dont get it why should they” is very narrow minded and very boomer of you. 

  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,464 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Nurses are gay

    You are gay
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,956 spicy boy
    Khabib toyed with justin on the feet until he showed mercy and choked him unconscious. 
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,464 destroyer of motherfuckers
    He also missed weight
    Comission said he didn't 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,956 spicy boy
    All i see is 29-0
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,818 spicy boy
    Fuck give me PPE I’ll go work for 30 dollars an hour idgaf 
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