Its unfortunate. She got famous for being a solo female black metal project. Then when it was found out her boyfriend writes everything for her she cried sexism.
Metal journalists act like shes reinventing the genre, but shes just a bad Deafheaven wannabe. A stupid hipster thats getting involved cuz its trendy
I kept listening to their stuff heading up to the show and couldn't click with it. Idk. I like her style of vox though, just wish she wouldn't play a track of her hitting a higher note to harmonize with what she's singing live
Using backing tracks isn't really the same as lip syncing. Plenty of bands do it and they do actually sing. I get why that would be a turnoff live though.
These fucking degenerate hip hop producer tenants we have clog the toilets every fucking day. Every day I have to plung a toilet because they stuff them with paper towel. Its disgusting. Today a toilet is filled to the brim with shit. it smells so bad I almost puked.
I am not a janitor. I dont get paid enough. Im leaving that shit.
>Music photo stuff legitimately starting to kick off >Actually being taken somewhat seriously >actually making consistent money with it >feelsgoodman.jpg >Met a girl >Actually really fucking cool, she even used to work for Metal Blade/Earache >For some reason likes my dumb ass >can'tcomplain.jpg >had one of the best weeks I've had in months with a close group of bands who are all buds >started to take care of myself more physically >cut off soda, less sugar, no meat other than chicken >lost 10 pounds in the last month, as well as building up a little muscle from work + working out >actually starting to feel legitimately happy for the first time in a while >this is to good to be true? >it is >job tells me i'll be sent out of state for work >Hernando, Mississippi >middle of fucking nowhere >stuck because i don't make quite enough off the music stuff to live on >my superintendent was demoted and left the company, so now even with 4 years experience, i am essentially having to build myself back up with a new boss >boss is a complete jackass >making every little thing difficult for us for no reason >I knew it was to good to be true >feelsbadman.jpg
A couple of people I follow on Twitter have anxiety/ depression. We chat by DM quite often about music and work etc. I've never had depression in my life and find it hard to relate to what they are going through and the struggles they must have. But at times it's hard to have conversations with them as they are just so glum and down and negative all the time. I try to see how they are doing and give them encouragement but when they consistently just negative negative negative I find it so draining. Am I doing the right thing by chatting to them and trying to get them enthused in life and to encourage them all the time? I feel like I bang my head against a wall talking to them
That sux FF How long is the job for in Mississippi?
Roughly three months. Which that's not even that long, but I've been gone so much over the last three years. It feels like I'm missing a lot of really important moments, in a way. I'm not as close to certain people anymore, for example. I also kinda want to try and make something work with this girl, but leaving state for months at a time would kind of soil that.
Your Job and Music Photo stuff are separate? If so,.. and you make money with your Music Photo stuff,... I'd say stay with it. Your other job will most likely still keep ya around. If not,.. greet people at Walmart for extra money while you pursue your Music Photo stuff.
Working for yourself > Making someone else rich
I still make someone else rich. Even tho money is now starting to flow thru 906 MFG. Just not enough for me to quit my day job yet. But enough to keep the lights on, mortgage paid,.. and more equipment bought with any profits.
I make money, but it's nowhere near enough to get by on. I make roughly 45k a year doing construction, plus it's easy to take time off if i need. I am not made for retail/customer service.
Figure out what's gonna make you happy and get after it. If it doesn't work out then at least you tried. It's better than always wondering what could have been if went for it.
Metal journalists act like shes reinventing the genre, but shes just a bad Deafheaven wannabe. A stupid hipster thats getting involved cuz its trendy
I am not a janitor. I dont get paid enough. Im leaving that shit.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
>Actually being taken somewhat seriously
>actually making consistent money with it
>Met a girl
>Actually really fucking cool, she even used to work for Metal Blade/Earache
>For some reason likes my dumb ass
>had one of the best weeks I've had in months with a close group of bands who are all buds
>started to take care of myself more physically
>cut off soda, less sugar, no meat other than chicken
>lost 10 pounds in the last month, as well as building up a little muscle from work + working out
>actually starting to feel legitimately happy for the first time in a while
>this is to good to be true?
>it is
>job tells me i'll be sent out of state for work
>Hernando, Mississippi
>middle of fucking nowhere
>stuck because i don't make quite enough off the music stuff to live on
>my superintendent was demoted and left the company, so now even with 4 years experience, i am essentially having to build myself back up with a new boss
>boss is a complete jackass
>making every little thing difficult for us for no reason
>I knew it was to good to be true
How long is the job for in Mississippi?