Monster Reborn got taken off the ban list. I know no one cares but the nerd in me is flipping out. This new band list is chaos. These next couple tournaments are going to get Anarchy
>be MU >have resident rocket scientist >be space x >launch car into space for shits and giggles >fuck it play some Ziggy Stardust >simultaneous twin booster rockets come back down >sonic booms >stick the landing >not a fucking peep
What’s funny is that if you asked most men if they would like to sit at home and work on the house while their wife went out and worked and made the money and paid bills, most guys would jump at the opportunity. Women had it like that and were like “Fuck this! I want a job!”
So this local cop died in the city I work in and his funeral is today. The precession is going to shut down BOTH major highways that intersect at our office right at the height of fucking rush hour and I guess I can't fucking complain about it cause it's not acceptable. Screw that. I don't give a single fuck about some random cop and I don't believe that he's some great hero just cause he got shot, and I don't understand why so many people's days needs to be inconvenienced for this crap.
Now I'm watching a live stream of the funeral for the hell of it and oh my god I can just tell this guy was fucking annoying. So much talk about how religious he was and how he wished that everyone was Christian and how divorce should never be an option for anyone. Good lord it's awful. Fuck this guy.
>have resident rocket scientist
>be space x
>launch car into space for shits and giggles
>fuck it play some Ziggy Stardust
>simultaneous twin booster rockets come back down
>sonic booms
>stick the landing
>not a fucking peep
Art Student Has Killer Comeback To Teacher's 'Dial Down The Feminism' Tip - HuffPost
Now I'm watching a live stream of the funeral for the hell of it and oh my god I can just tell this guy was fucking annoying. So much talk about how religious he was and how he wished that everyone was Christian and how divorce should never be an option for anyone. Good lord it's awful. Fuck this guy.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
What the fuck is up?
Its a crazy world we live in.