alex, does this friend go out side ever? like at all? doesn't sound like it
dude needs anxiety meds BAD tbh. and I normally dislike advocating big pharma. but its true, youd think hes on meth the way he gets mad sketched about everything.
I almost died on my way home from work last night. Car went flying down the wrong side of the road, and nearly hit me. But unfortunately I swerved out of the way and he missed.
So my daughter is flipping her fucking shit because she's tired and doesn't want to sleep. So I fix her a bottle and bring her back in to calm her down and try that. So wtf happens? My dad comes over, picks her up, takes her away to calm her down even after I told him that's just going to make her worse when I try this again. No one fucking listens to me. She should have been asleep over an hour ago when I laid her down the first time. But wtf happened? My dad picked her up then too. I want to blow my goddamn head off
So he lets her fall asleep on the couch..which she can fucking roll off of. Then 15 min later goes to bed and tells me to watch her? Jesus fucking christ. If you would have let me do my goddamn job as a parent she would be asleep where she's supposed to be. But apparently I'm still a 10 year old that doesn't know what she's doing so there's no need to listen to a word I say. If you want to take care of her so bad instead..adopt her and I'll just gtfo and never come back. I'm so beyond pissed over this fucking bs
You could try being less of a bitch about it, or try being less of a mooch and gtfo. You should really go for one or the other though, being both just isn't cool.
This is old shit Dime. She gets a free ride and just complains about it the whole time. Throwback to when it was Marc's mom she lived with and bitched about all day. It was good times for the forum at least.
I'm just going to go and kill myself. My daughter obviously doesn't need a mother. No one should have to deal with a worthless piece of shit "mooch" anyway. Everyone will be better off. In fact, maybe I should just take everyone in this house with me. Make it look like the house blew up. Jeez, what a "tragedy" that would be. Two new parents, a 5 month old, and grandparents all dead. I'm going to start planning it all out. Thanks for the push, Jobe. I know my only purpose in life is being worthless and taking the people around me down with me. Really, thank you for opening my eyes here. I'm going to save this whole house from not only myself but the shit world they're a part of. Keep your eye out for future news stories
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Into the void (pun intended)
I'm not your type, I have a job.
10 year olds go to school at least.