the frontman from Arizmenda had a gash on one of his arms and it was bleeding, which was cool, until he hit a dive right on me. Got blood in my hair, on my arms, and my Cormorant shirt.
Now that Im sober and slept, I dont 100% think its my fault, but I contributed. Full story:
My friend's girlfriend turned 21 this week, so yesterday we celebrated. I had work scheduled until 10, so I told them I was going to be late. My other friend said he's been digging this girl from school and wanted to ask her to join. He asked me for advice on how to ask her to come (bad idea), but he followed my advice and she said she'd come. But she was bringing her suite mate.
Then while Im at work yesterday, we're kinda slow. And we have no bands booked after 8. So I tell the guys Id be out earlier, and friend 2 (the one who asked the chick) is going to meet me by the blue line stop by my work so we can travel downtown without needing to drive. Then our band out at 8 extends to 9, then 9:30. The whole time friend 2 is changing the plan to the girl. So she's confused.
I finally get out of work like 9:45 and meet up with my friend. We head over to the rendezvous, and friend 1 changes the location on us. So we wait and meet up with friends 2 girl interest and her suite mate.
So we head to friend 1's area, and its some dance bar. So we go in. Im drinking by the wall, and talking to my two friends, because thats what I do, and I felt awkward at the dance bar, and hated the music, and the DJ wouldnt play Perturbator when I asked him. Friend 1 and his gf are dancing. The two other girls are dancing, with friend 2 trying to dance sometimes, but buying them drinks, and engaging with them. And Im drinking, rotating between the wall and my two friends. Talking about metal, and vidyas, and killing myself, the usual.
Then friend 1's girlfriend got too fucked up, and was slouched on a wall with him holding her up. And security kicked her out because they have a "zero tolerance policy for that her". Which is weird at a bar, but it was kinda a classy place, so whatever. I was wearing a band Tshirt and a jean vest, and my friends were dressed like shlubs, but the girls in our group were dressed nice, and everyone else at the club were too lol.
Anyway, so friend 1 brings his girlfriend to his apartment and tells us to meet them there. We go outside. Friend 2 tells the girl, and she seems like she wants to come with. She looks like shes having fun, and that shes into friend 2. But the suite mate is like "no lets go home. We have homework to do", and then sings to me in Opera, and then they leave.
Long story short, I feel like if I didnt keep changing the times for the plans, and was a more normal person, they would have stayed. And if I engaged with the suite mate (which I wasnt interested in) she would have wanted to stay longer too and friend 2's girl interest wouldn't have left early.
Best part of last night though was while we were waiting, some girl gave me this weird look. So I kinda did a head nod to her, and she yells "nice Reign shirt", which was fuckin cool.
Portugal the Man announced a headlining tour. Dope. You can't straight up buy tickets though. You have to request them and hope you get picked. I'm really confused because I know they aren't big enough to sell out the house of Blues. I'm wondering if this is just a way to force people that are in the fence to buy tickets.
Okay so they actually had a live video on Facebook explaining everything. It's not the only opportunity to get tickets, they just DO expect the shows to sell out and this is an opportunity to snag tickets before they go on sale. Most of the shows are at smaller venues and it's all old shit!!!11!
Fuck these guys are awesome. I was going to go either way because better than 50/50 odds they're going to play a secret set in a bar or something after the show
When people wake up my child after I specifically tell them to stfu and DON'T FUCKING WAKE HER UP. Thanks. This is the shit that causes me to want to kmfs instantly. And I swear, one day I will do it
My buddy has a 3 month old and last night we were playing ea sports hockey league online. Well we scored to tie it with 10 seconds left and he woke his kid up from jumping off the couch )
I'm not saying that waking the baby up was funny. I just thought it was funny that grown men almost in their 30's could get so excited over a game that means absolutely nothing.
Im not against it or for it really. If i met someone who i was confident in their parental abilities and they wanted to have kids i would be in for it. Those seem to be lacking these days though.
It's probably best for the gene pool that you don't reproduce Rex.
Anyway I find it funny and enjoyable that people get that excited as I do the same but I would slap the shit out of a friend if they woke my baby up that we have trouble getting to stay asleep. This baby has been much more stressful than Jamey.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
My friend's girlfriend turned 21 this week, so yesterday we celebrated. I had work scheduled until 10, so I told them I was going to be late. My other friend said he's been digging this girl from school and wanted to ask her to join. He asked me for advice on how to ask her to come (bad idea), but he followed my advice and she said she'd come. But she was bringing her suite mate.
Then while Im at work yesterday, we're kinda slow. And we have no bands booked after 8. So I tell the guys Id be out earlier, and friend 2 (the one who asked the chick) is going to meet me by the blue line stop by my work so we can travel downtown without needing to drive. Then our band out at 8 extends to 9, then 9:30. The whole time friend 2 is changing the plan to the girl. So she's confused.
I finally get out of work like 9:45 and meet up with my friend. We head over to the rendezvous, and friend 1 changes the location on us. So we wait and meet up with friends 2 girl interest and her suite mate.
So we head to friend 1's area, and its some dance bar. So we go in. Im drinking by the wall, and talking to my two friends, because thats what I do, and I felt awkward at the dance bar, and hated the music, and the DJ wouldnt play Perturbator when I asked him. Friend 1 and his gf are dancing. The two other girls are dancing, with friend 2 trying to dance sometimes, but buying them drinks, and engaging with them. And Im drinking, rotating between the wall and my two friends. Talking about metal, and vidyas, and killing myself, the usual.
Then friend 1's girlfriend got too fucked up, and was slouched on a wall with him holding her up. And security kicked her out because they have a "zero tolerance policy for that her". Which is weird at a bar, but it was kinda a classy place, so whatever. I was wearing a band Tshirt and a jean vest, and my friends were dressed like shlubs, but the girls in our group were dressed nice, and everyone else at the club were too lol.
Anyway, so friend 1 brings his girlfriend to his apartment and tells us to meet them there. We go outside. Friend 2 tells the girl, and she seems like she wants to come with. She looks like shes having fun, and that shes into friend 2. But the suite mate is like "no lets go home. We have homework to do", and then sings to me in Opera, and then they leave.
Long story short, I feel like if I didnt keep changing the times for the plans, and was a more normal person, they would have stayed. And if I engaged with the suite mate (which I wasnt interested in) she would have wanted to stay longer too and friend 2's girl interest wouldn't have left early.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Fuck these guys are awesome. I was going to go either way because better than 50/50 odds they're going to play a secret set in a bar or something after the show
his wife was fucking pissed
Probably doubtful i ever have kids doe.
Anyway I find it funny and enjoyable that people get that excited as I do the same but I would slap the shit out of a friend if they woke my baby up that we have trouble getting to stay asleep. This baby has been much more stressful than Jamey.