That shit is the gayest thing ever. It speaks a lot to people's intelligence who use it and think its funny, honestly. Its retarded. But no, I'm not mad you're using an emote. I just think its stupid.
What is a farce though, is that the emoticon won Oxford Dictionary's "Word of the Year" (literally the word of the year is "crying smiley emoji), and THAT does make me mad. We are a retarded species, and I despise humans.
That shit is the gayest thing ever. It speaks a lot to people's intelligence who use it and think its funny, honestly. Its retarded. But no, I'm not mad you're using an emote. I just think its stupid.
What is a farce though, is that the emoticon won Oxford Dictionary's "Word of the Year", and THAT does make me mad. We are a retarded species, and I despise humans.
That shit is the gayest thing ever. It speaks a lot to people's intelligence who use it and think its funny, honestly. Its retarded. But no, I'm not mad you're using an emote. I just think its stupid.
What is a farce though, is that the emoticon won Oxford Dictionary's "Word of the Year", and THAT does make me mad. We are a retarded species, and I despise humans.
You're pathetic it ain't that serious. And it really ain't shit but an unanimated ) and you use that all the time so shoot yourself in the head.
call me what you want. but humanity has the point of regressive no return. we praise stupidity and irrational emotion over intellectual thought, and its depressing.
call me what you want. but humanity has the point of regressive no return. we praise stupidity and irrational emotion over intellectual thought, and its depressing.
fuck the human species.
What a fuckin faggot. It's a smiley jackass it ain't that serious.
Its more what the emote stands for, and what it has become culturally that annoys me, than the emote itself. Its spammed on every shitty meme on the internet. I'm just sick of seeing it.
Its not even a good reaction or good meme. John Cena is overused as shit, but at lease that gives some chuckles.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
What is a farce though, is that the emoticon won Oxford Dictionary's "Word of the Year" (literally the word of the year is "crying smiley emoji), and THAT does make me mad. We are a retarded species, and I despise humans.
fuck the human species.
Its not even a good reaction or good meme. John Cena is overused as shit, but at lease that gives some chuckles.