Want to know the reason the towns in my tri-state area are going to shit? Well it ain't the people having kids no matter what their individual circumstances are. It's the drug problem. Just recently a couple got arrested because their 14 month OD'd on heroin and died. And that's not the first case of bs like this.
I've been with Chris for a good while now and have been living with him for 11 months. He's improved greatly on a lot of his issues even though he still drives me nuts. He's also the smartest guy I know and I believe in his bitch ass. Ever since he found out I was pregnant and it finally hit him as real, he's been extremely happy and excited because there's no one else he'd rather have a child with ever. Is the situation ideal and planned? No. But that doesn't mean we're less than the people who do everything cookie-cutter perfect either. I find it quite hilarious you're riding the statistics train hard and claim individual cases don't matter. The whole thing just makes me shake my head and chuckle
I'm not trying to say regret your kids. I was just trying to get people to view an issue and try and make better choices surrounding that issue. Obviously it struck a chord with some
So should the people who got pregnant by assholes (or got an asshole pregnant), aren't perfect in their financials, etc go out and have an abortion because their kid is gonna be fucked up all due to the environment it'll be brought up in? If not is the parent(s) supposed to feel like they're terrible people because they brought a kid into this world that's statistically proven that in the situation their kid will be fucked no matter what they do? I'm just curious here
So should the people who got pregnant by assholes (or got an asshole pregnant), aren't perfect in their financials, etc go out and have an abortion because their kid is gonna be fucked up all due to the environment it'll be brought up in? If not is the parent(s) supposed to feel like they're terrible people because they brought a kid into this world that's statistically proven that in the situation their kid will be fucked no matter what they do? I'm just curious here
my personal opinion is that they should 100% not be forced to have an abortion because that does nothing to solve the problem. Instead their babies should be taken from them, murdered, and have their dead corpses staked up around the town to serve as a reminder to all the poor people. It's pretty fucked up that modern day society has done away with staking, we need to bring that back.
So should the people who got pregnant by assholes (or got an asshole pregnant), aren't perfect in their financials, etc go out and have an abortion because their kid is gonna be fucked up all due to the environment it'll be brought up in? If not is the parent(s) supposed to feel like they're terrible people because they brought a kid into this world that's statistically proven that in the situation their kid will be fucked no matter what they do? I'm just curious here
Well they should take a morning after pill or be on bc but if they are too dumb to do that then yes they should get an abortion
I've been with Chris for a good while now and have been living with him for 11 months. He's improved greatly on a lot of his issues even though he still drives me nuts. He's also the smartest guy I know and I believe in his bitch ass. Ever since he found out I was pregnant and it finally hit him as real, he's been extremely happy and excited because there's no one else he'd rather have a child with ever. Is the situation ideal and planned? No. But that doesn't mean we're less than the people who do everything cookie-cutter perfect either. I find it quite hilarious you're riding the statistics train hard and claim individual cases don't matter. The whole thing just makes me shake my head and chuckle
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
John Lennon's dad was notoriously lousy