Was craving whiskey and coke hardcore after work. Just hit me out of nowhere, haven't had it in months. Go to the liquor store across the street from work and as I'm cashing out I find out I don't have my ID. At first I was going to say fuck it guess I'm not getting anything tonight but the way she talked to me made it clear she thought I was a minor trying to pull one over on her. Said fuck it and drove home, got my ID and then back to show her I'm fucking 21 and I'll buy my goddamn liquor.
How do you guys feel about public speaking? i loathe it.
i have to fly to Wellington next Friday to give a presentation (to maybe 40 people) and then I have to fly to Queenstown in October to give another presentation (to maybe 100 people) im trying to get outta doing them
I don't mind it. I've been told I make people feel comfortable and if I can get the room to laugh, even if over a stupid little joke, I feed off of that and it usually goes smoothly.
shut up the fuck up dime only fags try to like everybody. UP's piece of shit racist end of story
Woah now, I never said I liked him. I just don't hate him. But then again, I've literally never seen anything from him besides talking about trucks or boats, beer or Five Finger Death Punch. His ignorant response in here was the first thing I read to make me go "Woah what an asshole." Before that, it was just sorta "Wow what a cliche redneck."
Picking on UP has always been a thing but my comment sparked something that it should'nt have out of a misunderstanding.
Also Slap if you can say that new saved Megadave sucks but he made some killer music, you can admit that although it's not exactly a new Nugent that is old hick stuck in his was white trash, dude could shred. Stanglehold > You
and then once I do it....once I start...I kinda get into it...it's weird
Also Slap if you can say that new saved Megadave sucks but he made some killer music, you can admit that although it's not exactly a new Nugent that is old hick stuck in his was white trash, dude could shred. Stanglehold > You