WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
If you had smoked pot with them they probably wouldnt have been cool. If I was a drug user, i'd feel uncomfortable about doing drugs around you too. And pot's not that bad man.... I'd think they'd be more cool with you passing on smack if you are at least doing pot.
If you had smoked pot with them they probably wouldnt have been cool. If I was a drug user, i'd feel uncomfortable about doing drugs around you too. And pot's not that bad man.... I'd think they'd be more cool with you passing on smack if you are at least doing pot.
I just don't have any interest. I've known two of the guys for years, they fucking know i don't. I've been to so msny of their shows, even photographed a few for them. I've been around them smoking pot as many times at them not, it just doesn't make any sense to me. Idk
And if the bandmates are going to be so petty that sticking to what you want, and not engaging in that activity makes them kick you out, then you dont want to be in that band
And if the bandmates are going to be so petty that sticking to what you want, and not engaging in that activity makes them kick you out, then you dont want to be in that band
They have to find someone else to learn 7 songs mininum by August 7th,, so good luck to them lol
Nah. Only Megadeth albums I cant stand are Risk and Super Collider.
At least he's clean and happier.
An alternative example is Devin Townsend. He's pretty much edge now. I dont even think he drinks. And the DTP stuff is just as good, if not better in some cases than SYL.
I wouldn't let anyone in my band without smoking meth with them first. That's day 1 stuff.
And if the bandmates are going to be so petty that sticking to what you want, and not engaging in that activity makes them kick you out, then you dont want to be in that band
90% of music wouldn't exist without drugs
And 2. Doesnt change the fact that drugs ruin bands. If it wasnt for drugs, we wouldnt have as many life blowouts and bands breaking up
At least he's clean and happier.
An alternative example is Devin Townsend. He's pretty much edge now. I dont even think he drinks. And the DTP stuff is just as good, if not better in some cases than SYL.