I would call her if it would make you feel better. The people I choose not to remain in contact with in my life are the people I know I'm better off without. My dad's sister (who I can't even call family) was a junkie cunt that turned my junkie grandmother against my dad. They were jelly and defensive about my mom's family all the time. I didn't hear from my grandmother for 9 years because my aunt was keeping her fucked up on morphine (for "back pain", ya know) so she could blow her retirement check monthly. My dad gave his mom our first house, paid for outright, and my aunt talked her into putting the house in her name. She then got a mortgage on it and let it foreclose. We found out later that she also talked my grandmother into selling her wedding band, too. So when she died of a pill overdose ten years ago, I almost didn't even go to the funeral. Me and my brother left halfway through and went to see 'Saw'. I don't feel the least bit bad about the time I didn't hear from her (or them, really) and I still have a hard time saying anything nice about her. She was a shitstain of a person who prolly would've just dragged us down like she did before my dad cut her off
Yes, I think there is truth to that. There are many times she did much worst BPD type of shit to me, but I forgave it and moved on with life. I guess I feel at the end of the day I don't think she ever purposely tried to hurt me, and other then being religious she isnt a bad person. Satan and your comment put things into perspective a little... The stuff Satan listed are really good reasons to cut people out of your life. Them being BPD and calling my family a name isnt really at the level of "never talk to you again". Especially since her days are numbered. Her physical health is poor, and he mental health appeared to be going down too... I guess I need to find the time to make the call. Thanks guys
I tried talking to him today. He mostly ignored it, danced around the issues, shit talked then left. No clue what to do from here.
Hmm... I didn't quite expect to hear this happen. I really thought my last advice would have wrapped that up for you because communication is the only way issues like this get resolved. But it does take two people communicate and resolve issues, and if one person isnt going to participate, Im not sure there is much you can do. Ill think about it more.... sorry to hear this though. good luck dude.
Girlfriend took me to a bar with her coworkers. They're playing pool. I'm trying to drink myself to oblivion so I can enjoy myself. I fucking hate people
I'm such an introvert