Amanda has one friend that I can't fucking stand and that's the one she always tries to hang out with. The girl is a lying junkie piece of trash that's always scheming to get free drinks or drugs. I'm fairly certain that she's stolen money from us before and Amanda was told once that, even though she smokes this bitch up all the time, that her friend hides drugs when Amanda comes over so she won't have to share. I hate this fucking cunt. I'm not even nice about it. I tell Amanda all the time how much I hate that bitch and wish she'd find a fucking normal friend. She has another friend that she goes and gets her nails done with and shit like that, but she often ends up being a third wheel because the girl uses her nights out with Amanda to cheat on her boyfriend and brings other dudes along to their get-togethers.
I would love to! That's the girl's lone quality: She's hot. She could be a Suicide Girl easy. Curvy, lots of tats, some piercings, beautiful tits. I've totally tried before when I was drunk. She let Amanda fuck her with a strap-on once. I'm a little cautious about trying too much with her though because she's the type where she's accused dudes of rape before when she wasn't getting her way. Fuck that
Everything I've ever heard about long term relationships have made me avoid them like the plague.. I understand there are good and bad parts but I just can't see how having short, more fun relationships aren't better..
Everything I've ever heard about long term relationships have made me avoid them like the plague.. I understand there are good and bad parts but I just can't see how having short, more fun relationships aren't better..
I would love to! That's the girl's lone quality: She's hot. She could be a Suicide Girl easy. Curvy, lots of tats, some piercings, beautiful tits. I've totally tried before when I was drunk. She let Amanda fuck her with a strap-on once. I'm a little cautious about trying too much with her though because she's the type where she's accused dudes of rape before when she wasn't getting her way. Fuck that
Totally agree... Fuck that. Hate bitches who use rape bluffs as a weapon. total filth. We also have a problem with how we define rape in this country. "I was drunk so I couldnt consent!"- Bullshit. Rape should really be reserved for times when the action was done with a female who was basically unconscious or literally against her will because she said stop. If you havent drugged her, and she is walking, and she is jumping your bones becasue she is drunk and in the mood to fuck- That aint rape... No way.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Rape isnt an after the fact, she changed their mind and didnt really want to fuck. get out of her with that bullshit. I've fucked girls before that after I was like "Jesus christ! Why did I stick my dick in that?!?!", but never once in the history of life has a guy in that situation said that was rape.
Rape isnt an after the fact, she changed their mind and didnt really want to fuck. get out of her with that bullshit. I've fucked girls before that after I was like "Jesus christ! Why did I stick my dick in that?!?!", but never once in the history of life has a guy in that situation said that was rape.
In this country if you're accused of it, you're guilty though. Its this generations McCarthyism. This generations Witch Hunt.
Its another reason I wont engage in sexual activity. I dont need to fuck some dumb cunt only to (undeniably) have her regret it in the morning, and acuse me of rape.
Everything I've ever heard about long term relationships have made me avoid them like the plague.. I understand there are good and bad parts but I just can't see how having short, more fun relationships aren't better..
That's easier when you're young tbh. The older you get, the less patience you have for the game. That, and your opportunities dry up. Women are a lot easier to please when they're 18-25. Most of the good ones get wifed up and next thing you know you have to constantly get with girls that are younger and stupider to get decent ones. The closer they get to 30, the more security they want. But you can't expect to get young bitches for the rest of your life unless you're Jay and can afford them. As much as I like to joke about pulling 18 year old bitches, it's a stretch to imagine that happening anymore. There's just too much of a divide. I barely even understand young girls anymore because most of them are wrapped up in gay pop culture shit that I've long ignored. Until I was in my late 20's, i never imagined having a family or settling down. I had something medically happen to me where it was in doubt for some time if I could even have kids. That incident made me realize that I did want a family. What I have going on now is pretty much a direct result of that realization. It's worth it to have meaningful long-term relationships imo. For one thing, your friends end up in them too. Then they disappear. All but one of my old friends are married with kids now. They don't have time to go drinking with me on Fridays just cuz. I have to schedule shit with 'em. The one friend that's not like that is turning into "the old guy at the bar" and that's not much fun either. I like my path better. I hate being alone deep down. Even as much of an introvert as I am. I love having someone to come home to and enjoy and do things with
I just feel like I'm too weird for someone to want to spend their whole life with me.. My views of the world are so different from 95 percent of the girls out there idk
I would love to! That's the girl's lone quality: She's hot. She could be a Suicide Girl easy. Curvy, lots of tats, some piercings, beautiful tits. I've totally tried before when I was drunk. She let Amanda fuck her with a strap-on once. I'm a little cautious about trying too much with her though because she's the type where she's accused dudes of rape before when she wasn't getting her way. Fuck that
Totally agree... Fuck that. Hate bitches who use rape bluffs as a weapon. total filth. We also have a problem with how we define rape in this country. "I was drunk so I couldnt consent!"- Bullshit. Rape should really be reserved for times when the action was done with a female who was basically unconscious or literally against her will because she said stop. If you havent drugged her, and she is walking, and she is jumping your bones becasue she is drunk and in the mood to fuck- That aint rape... No way.
Yeah. The one thing that kept the rape incident from being a big shit was the fact that she's married and was fucking the guy on the sly. He didn't give her what she was wanting though, which was for him to commit to her so she could leave the husband. So she got mad about that and started telling people he took advantage of her. I don't even know why she keeps it from the husband or sticks around. Her husband had a stroke last year at age 27 and while he was in recovery, she left him for a high school sweetheart only to return a week later. The husband is a junkie scrub too though, and took her back. I can barely put into words sometimes how subhuman I think this bitch is
I just feel like I'm too weird for someone to want to spend their whole life with me.. My views of the world are so different from 95 percent of the girls out there idk
I'm getting too old for dating (for my standards).
I used to want someone to spend time with. "Love". Be "loved" by. But Im not even sure I want that anymore. Im so confused and frustrated its rediculous.
Im too picky, so there's extremely small niches of girls Im into. And Im unnattractive and untalented, so girls arent into me.
I just feel like I'm too weird for someone to want to spend their whole life with me.. My views of the world are so different from 95 percent of the girls out there idk
Believe me, I felt the same way once. I tell Amanda all the time how lucky I was to find someone that I could even talk to
What Ive gathered is all relationships suck ass.
Its another reason I wont engage in sexual activity. I dont need to fuck some dumb cunt only to (undeniably) have her regret it in the morning, and acuse me of rape.
But they dont take into account that 90% of the time, the man is drunk as well. But they're still guilty
I used to want someone to spend time with. "Love". Be "loved" by. But Im not even sure I want that anymore. Im so confused and frustrated its rediculous.
Im too picky, so there's extremely small niches of girls Im into. And Im unnattractive and untalented, so girls arent into me.