I hate when dispensaries hype up their offers too much. just got an email from this one place I go to occasionally and the subject line read "This is it... the one deal you've been waiting for ALL year..."
body: "THAT'S RIGHT! Its Patient Appreciation Week!! Buy ANY two 1/4s, get two grams FREE!"
No. I just signed up for new insurance and it was 100 dollars more because my mom and dads incompetent fucking company can't get shit right and filed an accident under my name instead of my dads and they refuse to send something to the new agency and they finally did after I paid the extra 100 bucks. On top of that the fucking store doesn't know what's wrong with my phone and apple won't look at it because I took it somewhere other than the apple store. Fucking about to Budd Dwyer.
Told my friend that Unknown Mortal Orchestra would sell out. It's a small club in Chicago and hipsters aplenty there amirite. I bought my ticket day 1. I actually bought two dates at the same time and the two show total was $25. Motherfucker goes to buy his and it sold out.
My girlfriend likes to play the "I didn't say/ask for that" game. For instance: Going to metal shows. She really deep down can't stand me going to concerts without her, but she doesn't want to go either. So on days of shows, she'll get really needy and emo. If I go, I just have to prepare myself for her to be a pill for the next day or so. But if I stay, she doesn't give me credit for doing her a solid because technically she didn't ask me to stay home. It's fucking irritating, especially when she decides she needs to get out and have a night with her friends. If I have any issue whatsoever, she uses the argument that she doesn't stop me from going out I try to take her to shit with me as much as possible, but we have to rely on my mother only to watch my daughter because my daughter is absurdly shy and just cries all night with anyone else, including my girlfriend's mom. She likes hitting up rap concerts, but even the "underground" hip hop shows usually cost twice as much as the metal shows. I saw Talib Kweli and Immortal Technique a few weeks ago. It was fun, but between the tickets and beer, I was out about $100 and I had to leave the show in a rush because it ran late and mom had been texting me to hurry up and get my daughter for like 3 hours. It's to the point where I almost hate going out
body: "THAT'S RIGHT! Its Patient Appreciation Week!! Buy ANY two 1/4s, get two grams FREE!"
I said "Grandpa, is it true that all women are bitches?"
He turned to me and said "Johnny, I do not believe all women are bitches, just all the ones iv met."
thats crazy. There is one thing i can't deal with and that is not having some privacy.