Lmao wow you really got a store that's so pussy they literally let people steal from em outta fear.
It is clear now. Wake is not alone. ...Washington is full of manlets.
I dont live in Washington State anymore... I live in Rochester NY. And pretty sure this is a national policy, not just local.
After learning Wegmans policy though, not sure if I am ever paying for groceries again. Imean why bother? They dont care if you steal it. you'd be stupid not too honestly/
Lmao wow you really got a store that's so pussy they literally let people steal from em outta fear.
It is clear now. Wake is not alone. ...Washington is full of manlets.
Nearly every retail store in America has policies that include not apprehending people who are suspected shoplifters. You can't just have anyone grab someone you are suspecting. You have to be trained.
Nearly every retail store in America has policies that include not apprehending people who are suspected shoplifters. You can't just have anyone grab someone you are suspecting. You have to be trained.
yeah that's my understanding. Some stores have trained shoplifter grabbers who's job is to literally walk around the store pretending to shop and then grab anyone shop lifting. If you arent that person, then store policy is dont get involved. I was just surprised by the "once out the door, nothing we can do" policy.
I've seriously thought about that, when I get on. If said label would allow it I'd just release my albums free like Travi$ Scott jus did wit Days Before Rodeo. You gonna download it anyways, jus come out to the shows for me.
I've seriously thought about that, when I get on. If said label would allow it I'd just release my albums free like Travi$ Scott jus did wit Days Before Rodeo. You gonna download it anyways, jus come out to the shows for me.
Bands make more off of ticket/merch sales at shows that album sales anyways.
I've seriously thought about that, when I get on. If said label would allow it I'd just release my albums free like Travi$ Scott jus did wit Days Before Rodeo. You gonna download it anyways, jus come out to the shows for me.
Bands make more off of ticket/merch sales at shows that album sales anyways.
They still have to pay back record companies their advances. Those come from album sales. They don't pay it back, their budget gets cut for their next album, or they're dropped from the label completely.
I've seriously thought about that, when I get on. If said label would allow it I'd just release my albums free like Travi$ Scott jus did wit Days Before Rodeo. You gonna download it anyways, jus come out to the shows for me.
Bands make more off of ticket/merch sales at shows that album sales anyways.
They still have to pay back record companies their advances. Those come from album sales. They don't pay it back, their budget gets cut for their next album, or they're dropped from the label completely.
Depends on how the advances are structured, though. A lot of the small labels don't really make advances a major part of their business anymore.
It is clear now.
Wake is not alone.
...Washington is full of manlets.
After learning Wegmans policy though, not sure if I am ever paying for groceries again. Imean why bother? They dont care if you steal it. you'd be stupid not too honestly/
>Flags my posts supporting music industry
>Ky poser
Bands make more off of ticket/merch sales at shows that album sales anyways.
Fuck labels, go independent if it's possible for you.