So I decide to go through our entire basment and clean/get rid of old bs yesterday. We continue to do it tonight and my mom comes down. Now we've already put idk how many boxes in the garage of shit we don't want. She wants to go through it all (which means half the shit thrown in those boxes are coming back in the house). I procede to say we need to get rid of half of our xmas shit because it might as well be like we're living at the north pole.
It sparks an argument, says idk what it's like to do without, etc etc. I cannot clean and eliminate shit with her around. At this point I just want to throw everything in an incinerator and be done with it. Jesus fuck it shouldn't be this hard
Most of the crap is mine from childhood anyway. Which is simple to go through but when I do and she asks why I'm getting rid of why? It's obvious why I'm getting rid of it
It sparks an argument, says idk what it's like to do without, etc etc. I cannot clean and eliminate shit with her around. At this point I just want to throw everything in an incinerator and be done with it. Jesus fuck it shouldn't be this hard
Off yourself @almostgr1m