That's what owning the mp3's means. Downloading it for free is like possession of stolen goods. It's not really "owning" the mp3's.
still on my hard drive
I disagree that having mp3's on your harddrive is "possession of stolen goods". The way our legal system works is that if someone wants to charge you of having stolen goods, then they must in fact prove they were stolen. It's not on the defendant to prove that he purchased them, but on the prosecution to prove he did not. Possession is not proof of theft.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
The other day my wife was at Wegmans and witnessed this couple pushing through past her with a cart full of quitting smoking gum. She was pissed they were so rude, but then when she saw they had a get away car and were ripping to store off of thousands of dollars of merch, She whipped out her cell and snapped a picture of the license plate. She then called Wegmans to let them know that she had a picture of those involved in the theft with license plate. Plus the store had security cameras so like open and close case for them right?
Nope. Wegmans had no interest. They told her that they have a policy of not trying to stop people shop lifting for the safety of their employees. And that the cops can not arrest anyone unless they are caught in the act of shop lifting. Just because they have camera's and my wife took the license plate photo, that apparently isnt sufficient proof that they stole the gum that they might have been caught with. How are the police to know that the cases they have in their car wasnt purchased legally, and the stuff they stole was long gone?
Basically - Possession is not proof of theft. And this is an actual theft case unlike digital piracy which does not have any loss of goods from the victim. Piracy is copy right infringement, not theft.
When you get caught with a stolen car, you're going to jail. Doesn't matter if you stole it or not.
yeah you are caught in the act of stealing it. The car has identifying information on it that says this belongs to so-and-so. An MP3 is more like a candy bar then a trackable car. Shop lift a candy bar and keep it with you at all times. When the police pull you over for something, see if they bust you for having a stolen candy bar. Bet you they wont.
what copy right infringement? If yes - Then yeah I am not saying it is not illegal. However to be caught doing it, you must be caught in the act of doing it. Ie... they have to catch you while you are downloading, prove that you are the one downloading it, and match your IP address to your location. It's not simple. And what I am saying is after it's already been done, if they didn't catch you in the act, then there is no proof that you are not the legal owner of these digital bits.
>implying downloading something off the internet isnt traceable
Im not saying it isnt traceable. Im just saying that after it's been done, if it wasnt traced at the time of DL, then there will be no proof that can be gathered about the DL. No proof that you commited copy right infringement. Possession of a MP3 is not proof of illegal.
wow im pretty sure wake is taking one stores stance and blowing it totally out of proportion.
if you bring something to a pawn shop and it shows up stolen the police will be showing up at your house and you will be charged. it doesn't matter if anyone saw you steal the item or not.
People around here get caught with stolen goods all the time. They always get caught trying to sell it to a pawn shop or on Craigslist or something. When the cops come, they can say "I had no idea it was stolen, someone else gave it to me" all they want. The cops are still gonna take them to jail.
>implying downloading something off the internet isnt traceable
Im not saying it isnt traceable. Im just saying that after it's been done, if it wasnt traced at the time of DL, then there will be no proof that can be gathered about the DL. No proof that you commited copy right infringement. Possession of a MP3 is not proof of illegal.
I thought the original location or whatever stuck to the file tag.
wow im pretty sure wake is taking one stores stance and blowing it totally out of proportion.
if you bring something to a pawn shop and it shows up stolen the police will be showing up at your house and you will be charged. it doesn't matter if anyone saw you steal the item or not.
Dude. will you guys just stop and think about it for a second. Do you think there is anything physically different about Alex's "320 kbs Tool - Lateralus" MP3 verses mine? Do you really think there is a unique traceable serial number in the MP3 that would prove ownership? If yes, you really don't understand how MP3's work. There are no serials, there is no proof of ownership in the MP3 bits. If I buy and download a song from itunes, and then Rex copies that song from me, the police aren't going to be able to take that MP3 and say "you stole this. Joel bought this and you stole it from him".
Physical items like the stuff that is sold at pawn shops usually have serial numbers on them. This shit is tackable by the number. Shit that is not trackable is not under the same guidelines.
>implying downloading something off the internet isnt traceable
Im not saying it isnt traceable. Im just saying that after it's been done, if it wasnt traced at the time of DL, then there will be no proof that can be gathered about the DL. No proof that you commited copy right infringement. Possession of a MP3 is not proof of illegal.
I thought the original location or whatever stuck to the file tag.
No. There is no identifying information in a Mp3. I can't speak for apples ACC format or anything other format... But not MP3's or FLAC.
People around here get caught with stolen goods all the time. They always get caught trying to sell it to a pawn shop or on Craigslist or something. When the cops come, they can say "I had no idea it was stolen, someone else gave it to me" all they want. The cops are still gonna take them to jail.
show me one instance where someone got caught after the fact with a stolen candy bar. I'd like to know how the police knew that candy bar was stolen.
The SHIT they are getting caught with have god damn serial numbers. Why is this concept so hard for you guys to understand?a 2k TV has a god damn serial number. a digital MP3 that anyone could make does not.
Nope. Wegmans had no interest. They told her that they have a policy of not trying to stop people shop lifting for the safety of their employees. And that the cops can not arrest anyone unless they are caught in the act of shop lifting. Just because they have camera's and my wife took the license plate photo, that apparently isnt sufficient proof that they stole the gum that they might have been caught with. How are the police to know that the cases they have in their car wasnt purchased legally, and the stuff they stole was long gone?
Basically - Possession is not proof of theft. And this is an actual theft case unlike digital piracy which does not have any loss of goods from the victim. Piracy is copy right infringement, not theft.
if you bring something to a pawn shop and it shows up stolen the police will be showing up at your house and you will be charged. it doesn't matter if anyone saw you steal the item or not.
Physical items like the stuff that is sold at pawn shops usually have serial numbers on them. This shit is tackable by the number. Shit that is not trackable is not under the same guidelines.
The SHIT they are getting caught with have god damn serial numbers. Why is this concept so hard for you guys to understand?a 2k TV has a god damn serial number. a digital MP3 that anyone could make does not.