Most of the people I know and am/was friends with in hs are either married, engaged, pregnant, or have at least one child already. Full beginnings of families n shit
Man my boys are fucking pussy whipped bitches. Used to get tore up with them every weekend now they don't want to do shit cause they on a leash. Fucking faggots
Or they have actual lives filled with goals and caring for other people other than tjemselves and can no longer be permafucked up...
Man my boys are fucking pussy whipped bitches. Used to get tore up with them every weekend now they don't want to do shit cause they on a leash. Fucking faggots
Or they have actual lives filled with goals and caring for other people other than tjemselves and can no longer be permafucked up...
im the only one about to graduate college out of the group. one has a kid, on is a drifter, one doesn't know what he wants to do in life, one works two jobs working on cars, but i understand why he doesn't have time.
I have talked to maybe 5 people after graduating (besides my main group that I see every week obviously). 3 pregnant, one married and one age 21. That shit is ridiculous.
I dont have a choice. Im already here. Im here until we're done. We have 130,000 cases of liquor to send tonight. A usual on-time 10 hour day is 50,000 cases. Been pulling 14 hour days with 70,000/80,000 cases last two weeks.
Usually three breaks. On an average day, for the first 11 hours, three. Two 15 minute, one 30 minute. Then after 11 hours a 10 minute break every two hours or something like that.
Made a over $1,000 for two weeks work.
>Is part of supplying it to the nation.