guitar used tobe my day and night. started really failing high school. got my shit together with grades, college happened, lost time to do it as much. I still jam a few times a week but it may as well happen more now.
guitar used tobe my day and night. started really failing high school. got my shit together with grades, college happened, lost time to do it as much. I still jam a few times a week but it may as well happen more now.
thinking you are going to make it as a guitar player is like a black man thinking he's going to make it in the NBA. Sure it can happen... but like 1 in 500 million or something. Getting a okay paying job with a college degree is like 50% chance of happening. It's all about statistics man.
It's actually not that rare for a black man to make it in the NBA.
Jesus christ rex. I wasn't quoting exact scientific statistics, just the general concept of it. I'm sure most people took it that way.
Also... 50% was made up. I dont know the exact odds, but in general it looks something like that. One is a high probability of happening, the other is like winning the lotto.
I was just trying to make a joke about the NBA being 90% black )
) oh my bad! ) I remember back in the 90's one of my favorite jokes was how the NBA was all black except the Utah Jazz. It was funny because it was true minus Malone.
guitar used tobe my day and night. started really failing high school. got my shit together with grades, college happened, lost time to do it as much. I still jam a few times a week but it may as well happen more now.
thinking you are going to make it as a guitar player is like a black man thinking he's going to make it in the NBA. Sure it can happen... but like 1 in 500 million or something. Getting a okay paying job with a college degree is like 50% chance of happening. It's all about statistics man.
Do you get off on shitting on people's aspirations? Jesus Christ shut the fuck up.
Do you get off on shitting on people's aspirations? Jesus Christ shut the fuck up.
The dude is 1 class away from graduation. Im not shitting on his aspiration but trying to get him to avoid making a big mistake. And Im not even saying someone (take you for example) is stupid to focus on music instead of going to college. I am not saying that at all... I fully support people skipping college to follow their dreams. What I am saying is when you are 1 class away from a college degree... DONT FUCKING DROP OUT no matter what.
If you ayes guitar your whole life you could easily make a living off of it... I mean it's getting less and less now but there's lessons events etc you can do.. You don't need to necessarily be a rock star..
Anyone who thinks Alex should drop out with one class remaining is literally the stupidest person on earth.
never said I was gonna drop. loa = leave of absence
I have a number of finance-demanding things on my plate this coming year, and I cant afford to take a class every day of the week while working 40 hours.
and I was never planning on doing guitar professionally, I just loved nothing more than mapping out songs Id make and putting lyrics to them when the time came. It was more about the songwriting process/touching up than thinking I was gonna be the next angus young. vocals are a different story.
guitar used tobe my day and night. started really failing high school. got my shit together with grades, college happened, lost time to do it as much. I still jam a few times a week but it may as well happen more now.
thinking you are going to make it as a guitar player is like a black man thinking he's going to make it in the NBA. Sure it can happen... but like 1 in 500 million or something. Getting a okay paying job with a college degree is like 50% chance of happening. It's all about statistics man.
Not everybody plays with the expectation of becoming a master musician who gets paid millions. Some of us play because we love music. I think it would be cool as fuck to get up there and play shows even if its shitty bars or battle of the bands or just some local opener. Its all about the feeling, not the money or being a professional. At least thats how I feel about it.
Also... 50% was made up. I dont know the exact odds, but in general it looks something like that. One is a high probability of happening, the other is like winning the lotto.
I have a number of finance-demanding things on my plate this coming year, and I cant afford to take a class every day of the week while working 40 hours.