My mom just came over to me and was like "dont get mad at me. But I bought you diet soda and sugarless juice"
I told her Im not drinking diet fucking soda. If I have to reduce to that I might as well stop drinking pop all together. Diet defeats the entire purpose.
yeah its easy. I still have some pop with a meal here or there, but it usually just grosses me out. I still like it in very small amounts from time to time though.
Only time I drink it is when it's the only option like at a fast food place. Even then I look for non-carbonated drinks like fruit punch or Gatorade or something.
yeah if they have tea i go with that. But its still all made with high fructose corn syrup, but the carbonation is so bad for you, so its better to go with something without it.
I told her Im not drinking diet fucking soda. If I have to reduce to that I might as well stop drinking pop all together. Diet defeats the entire purpose.
but also :-|
It's really not that hard. Once you stop for a few months, soda tastes kinda weird. I'm pretty glad I stopped.