I should have. They were straight up saying shit like "I just want to live in a society where I make what I deserve, and don't have to live in fear anytime I walk out the door"... Bitch, the wage gap is a myth that has been disproven time and time again. The gap comes in simply because it looks at an AVERAGE OF ALL SALARIES. There are simply more men than women in the workforce, and more men working higher paying jobs. Job for job women make the same as men. And fear of walking out your door? What are we in the middle east or Africa? You live on a college campus, surrounded by people. What is going to happen to you? What is there to fear. Jesus fuck.
Bitch, the wage gap is a myth that has been disproven time and time again. The gap comes in simply because it looks at an AVERAGE OF ALL SALARIES. There are simply more men than women in the workforce, and more men working higher paying jobs. Job for job women make the same as men. And fear of walking out your door? What are we in the middle east or Africa? You live on a college campus, surrounded by people. What is going to happen to you? What is there to fear. Jesus fuck.
One of them was. She straight up said "I am a girl who dates girls, I have to be a feminist. I'm obligated"... Like no. No you're not.
Fuck feminism.