The baby miscarried and passed away. We have to go to the hospital tonight where she will be induced and have to go through labor in order to pass the baby out because it was too far along for other options. Today fucking sucks and I've been running around trying to get things in place right now I'm waiting for food because neither of us have had anything to eat. I hope none of you have to go through something like this it hurts so much.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
"quiz 4 - stocks"
really need to make a trip to kzoo to visit the main brewery
also bars bars don't sell out of bells around here ^:)^
>fart violently for 10 sec
>finally poop
>single poop
>size of a quarter
There is no god only false hopes & destroyed dreams
That being said, I take pride in farting loudly amongst my friends. Its a weird conundrum.