Dude accross the hall from me has been listening (loud enogh so i can hear it) to the same song for 3 hours. Wtf.
Reminds me of the turntable days when I was in a small room and this one guy kept on playing Bad Company by 5FDP over and over. When asked why he said "I just like this song". When he wasn't let back up he went to another room to do it.
filling up gas and just witnessed an extremely serious car accident between an suv and a sports car... suv flipped four times and the passengers arm got caught in the window and fucking ripped off..... fucking shaking right now... gotta talk to pd as a witness... fucking shit guys...
filling up gas and just witnessed an extremely serious car accident between an suv and a sports car... suv flipped four times and the passengers arm got caught in the window and fucking ripped off..... fucking shaking right now... gotta talk to pd as a witness... fucking shit guys...
That sounds gross.....I think I'd chunder if I saw that did you rush over to help?
I was pretty shocked when it happened so I kind of walked over, but there happened to be a cop about 1/4 mile down the road and he basically told everyone not involved to fuck off in the kindest way. the woman in the compact took a seat on my corner of the intersection and I went over to talk with her and asked if she wanted a water. went to my car to get a spare bottle and she goes "this is opened." (it had like half a pour gone) "...would you like a new one?" "yeah" "...ok.." obviously wasnt gonna say tough shit, but I was a little surprised that was her main concern.
anyway got her a water and the cops came over with a firefighter and asked me if I saw the incident. I said yeah, so they told me to stick around for a few as a witness.
skipping ahead 10 or 15 minutes, another cop came up to me, and asked me what I saw. I explained, but since I didn't see the moment of impact, they told me I was free to go.
be careful on the road, folks. idk if it was distracted driving or what, but no text, call, or discussion is worth your life or limbs.
Well that was a twist. I pictured a severed arm, blood everywhere, mangled metal. Now that it was just an armrest I sort of feel cheated. Like a horror movie you really want to see and have highhopes for ddisappoints you
Has rex been been tutoring you English lessons?
That sounds gross.....I think I'd chunder if I saw that
did you rush over to help?
obviously wasnt gonna say tough shit, but I was a little surprised that was her main concern.
anyway got her a water and the cops came over with a firefighter and asked me if I saw the incident. I said yeah, so they told me to stick around for a few as a witness.
skipping ahead 10 or 15 minutes, another cop came up to me, and asked me what I saw. I explained, but since I didn't see the moment of impact, they told me I was free to go.
be careful on the road, folks. idk if it was distracted driving or what, but no text, call, or discussion is worth your life or limbs.
ban plz
Lord, I'm a fucked up person
A mexican?
BeatNewEngland changed the profile picture for BillCosby.