that was a 'dislike' of love. im very sorry to hear that. my aunt/uncle and cousin all had the same thing happen their first try. it was horrific. I hope you find peace.
So sorry to hear that lance. Despit all the shit talk we are all friends here, not much we can do in reality, but if you ever need to talk we are here brother.
The baby miscarried and passed away. We have to go to the hospital tonight where she will be induced and have to go through labor in order to pass the baby out because it was too far along for other options. Today fucking sucks and I've been running around trying to get things in place right now I'm waiting for food because neither of us have had anything to eat. I hope none of you have to go through something like this it hurts so much.
I'm so sorry sir. Best wishes to you and Courtney. I hope you take all the time you need to grieve.
I have no words other than to say sorry for your loss Lance. I wish there was something we could do for you and your family to somehow make things better, even if only a little bit. If you wanna talk, we can do that, if you need a distraction sometime we can do that as well. Stay strong bro.
The same thing happened with my oldest sister 5 years ago, our nephew only lived a couple hours, and they were honestly surprised our sister is still here. It's not fucking fair, and I'm sorry that you are having to go through it, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
Damn dude. I'm sorry to hear that. This shit hit me hard. I don't like hearing stories that negative even if its about people I don't really know all that well. Very sorry to hear it bro. Heaven has a new angel.
so during Macabre's set last night some douchebag who was offended by Macabre's lyrical themes wanted to punch a guy for laughing at one of the stories Macabre was telling on stage (as they always do) This guy was middle aged, fat and had a nu metal late 90s goatee. He looked like Don Vito when he got mad. His chin would jiggle when he was ranting about how Macabre wasn't funny and how offensive it was. The other dude was just trying to ignore him and the guy was getting angry at that and tried to choke him but his friends pulled him away. He later did that gay thing annoying guys do at concerts where he grabs the guy and tries to hug him like he's his bro all of a sudden and told him "I'm sorry man, I love death metal but that shits just not funny" were his words. I felt really sorry for the dude getting fucked with just for enjoying himself. I'm willing to bet that Anal Cunt and GG Allin make him cringe. On the bright side its kind of funny knowing that after several yeas people still get butt hurt by a DEATH metal band that writes about DEATH. I'm wearing my Ed Gein shirt today in honor of that douche