But it wouldn't be hard to. Just wait till he leaves. You'd have to run a video proxy to get past the school's block on pr0nz if you were into that though.
online finance class requires us to turn on our webcams AND audio during exams and quizzes, as well as lift the webcams up and sweep from side to side after EACH ANSWER TO ENSURE WE ARENT CHEATING SOMEHOW. and if you get up during an exam, you need to look directly into the camera and clearly state why youre leaving, then show your ID card.......
online finance class requires us to turn on our webcams AND audio during exams and quizzes, as well as lift the webcams up and sweep from side to side after EACH ANSWER TO ENSURE WE ARENT CHEATING SOMEHOW. and if you get up during an exam, you need to look directly into the camera and clearly state why youre leaving, then show your ID card.......
Seems like it would just be easier to make you come in for the tests
I hate talking to my loan officer. For every 2 minutes getting down to brass tacks it 45 minutes of "fucking Obama" "kill that guy" "I have a use for Isis" "fucking Obama" "damn people these days" etc. Found a used '04 Yukon I wanted and his overall response was "Nah, go ahead and get something shinier" but the conversation involved 5+ death threats, 2 or 3 promises of broken arms to rude customers, chainsaws, failings of the education systems, people wearing clothes that dont fit, fucking Obama, liars, child discipline, overcoming dislexia, fucking Obama, peoples cell phone habits, government benefits and fucking Obama. The damn bank was closed by the time we got out of his office.
I mean honestly he is just more of the same bullshit that Bush Jr was. I literally can see no difference between the two. but had the same agenda and that agenda wasn't our country nor our people. The agenda was probably just his pockets, but perhaps something else.
On prescription medication for acne (Inb4) and it's actually working, this is the clearest my face has been in 5 years and it feels amazing, there's only one active pimple on my face. BUT I can't drink for the next 2 1/2 months. I read about the side effects but decided to test it anyways and it is NOT worth it. Hangover from Hell x10 on Sunday and my stomach feels like it's being torn to shreds 3 days later. Luckily I'm not Todd so this ain't life ending but Im'ma miss turnin up on the weekends in the meantime.
One roommate, two other suitemates.
But it wouldn't be hard to. Just wait till he leaves. You'd have to run a video proxy to get past the school's block on pr0nz if you were into that though.
Fucking Obama.