I play Madden wit my 50 something year old Uncle you stupid motherfucker. He loves sport games. Everyone loves video games to a certain extent. Except Scrooge over here apparently.
That means like 60 yr olds are " gaming?" Jesus.. I do t even understand how that's possible video games aren't even that old,,
And the last part of this is some of the most stupid shit I ever seen. So a form of media has to be as old as you for you to enjoy it? So you need to be playing games straight out the pussy. :-?
I play video games sometimes.. And Erik kind of gets a pass cuz he's still in high school but you 20 something's should really consider maybe doing something constructive.. Once again it's fine for every once in a while but if your straight up reserving vg at like 30 yrs old kyfs
Lets not forget nola has himself up on some pedestal. This is the same guy that said he knows nore about music because of what he listens to and thinks is good. There is no use arguing.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Lets not forget nola has himself up on some pedestal. This is the same guy that said he knows nore about music because of what he listens to and thinks is good. There is no use arguing.
I'm pretty sure the 20 year olds that play are in college right now. If that's not constructive then I'll make a noose and hang myself right now, slavery style...
Lets not forget nola has himself up on some pedestal. This is the same guy that said he knows nore about music because of what he listens to and thinks is good. There is no use arguing.
I've said this so many times. Talks shit about my ego but this motherfucker is the literal definition of a stuck up hipster who thinks he's God.
GTA5 was the fastest selling piece of media ever....he'll the vast majority of games that are being put out today are catered to adults
And like I said there have been studies that prove video games reduce depression with people who play them on regular basis....it's literally no different then sitting on Sunday watching football... It's a form of entertainment....except that you are apart of the action
I'm literally different from everyone else I know a fucking social outcast
Ooh so edgy wheres ur scarf?
That means like 60 yr olds are " gaming?" Jesus..
I do t even understand how that's possible video games aren't even that old,,
Once again it's fine for every once in a while but if your straight up reserving vg at like 30 yrs old kyfs
And what the fuck is the difference? Reserving, buying. The first just simply guarantees you a copy.
And what the fuck is the difference? Reserving, buying. The first just simply guarantees you a copy. =D>
I've said this so many times. Talks shit about my ego but this motherfucker is the literal definition of a stuck up hipster who thinks he's God.
And like I said there have been studies that prove video games reduce depression with people who play them on regular basis....it's literally no different then sitting on Sunday watching football... It's a form of entertainment....except that you are apart of the action
- I'm a god
Natural flow of events
Yah it's not constructive and kinda dorky but I like it
I may think I know more about music(cuz I do) but at least I'm not in denial
I know and accept exactly how much of a loser I am
- literally the only person defending his opinion against a group of like minded people